Isn't is wonderful to have this site where there are no age, sex, race, creed, or nat

ional origin bounderies? I just want to say how thankful I am for it. And I wish everyone here....A very happy holiday season! And may the upcoming year bring you to a greater level of health and well being! God Bless you all!    — lesleigh07 (posted on December 3, 2007)

December 3, 2007
AMEN! I am also very thankful of this site...I love everything about this site!!!
   — rhammgag

December 3, 2007
Amen to that, I love it here and I love the people here as well, Everyone that I have ran into has been a god send to me. Taking time out of their lives to help me with anything and everything. I do my best every day to return the favor! We have a good family here at OH. I wish you all nothing but the best of luck in everything you do.
   — TattooGirl1982

December 3, 2007
Ahhhhhhh! An email message to "erase" the negative one from yesterday!!!!! Did "your" voices tell you to do this???? If so keep on listening to them...... Gotta Love em' and YOU too!
   — Toni Todd

December 3, 2007
I diito Toni! Pat
   — pjennjr

December 3, 2007
God bless us one and all.
   — cleofet

December 3, 2007
The same to you my good friend Lesleigh! o<;-)
   — obeseforever

December 3, 2007
   — RNlvnCARSON

December 4, 2007
I think that the people on this site are wonderful and truly a gift to me. They help whenever you need them and they really care about you. That is something you don't find much of in this world anymore. This site and the people on it are a blessing to me in so many ways.
   — Brenda R.

December 4, 2007
Merry Xmas to you! In Jesus' name, Robin
   — rtmazyck

December 4, 2007
I would also like to say thank you to everyone on this site for your help this past year. Your support has meant so much to me. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
   — barfiep01

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