When should I buy a treadmill??

My Gastric Bypass is this Monday 3/3/8.I wanted to know if I need to rush out and buy my tradmill right away so I can use it while I'm healing up? Or is this something that I can wait a month to do? I know exercise is important, but I am unsure of the right time to start doing it. Plus it isn't exactly a cheap thing to purchase if I want a really good one..Can anyone tell me how long I should wait before I start making myself get up and walk on it?? Thank you..I'm so nervous!    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on February 27, 2008)

February 27, 2008
I think you should ask your doctor when you should start using the treadmill. After coming home from the hospital, the first week I just walked around the house and outside. The second week I start walking on the treadmill but real slowly. I still went outside and walked around like walking to the mailbox checking the mail and doing light housework (washing clothes and folding clothes). I just took things slow the first month. Just ask your doctor and she what he thinks. Good luck!
   — barfiep01

February 27, 2008
never unless your going to faithful to using it, I bought one used it for two weeks and stoped It was not fun for me.
   — biglou

February 27, 2008
With spring around the corner, getting out and walking is so much healthier than a treadmill. (Unless you have allergies) Indoor air is often worse than outdoor air anyway! If you are jet set on a treadmill...get it now and start using it right away, then slowly use it after surgery until you can work your way up to a faster pace. Personally I'd save the money for the new outfits you are gonna want to buy in a year! :)
   — .Anita R.

February 27, 2008
Exercise is always a good thing. If having RNY you should be up and walking about 2 hours after surgery. (it get's rid of the gas pain). As to using a treadmill, I agree with the others, check with your surgeon and or nutritionist on that one. Outside IS healthier air, however if you are like me, the neighborhood is NOT a good place to be walking, and I can't always afford to go to the park. Good luck and God bless!
   — crystalsno

February 27, 2008
Well my surgeon staff had me up and walken 4 hrs after surgery and encouraged this pattern through out my hospital stay. Granted he wasnt telling us to walk a mile......just walk so having a "good" treadmill on hand is a good investment especially when weather isnt so good. But yeah u will be expected to walk right away!!!
   — TanyaMay

February 27, 2008
You can just walk around that is fine you do not need the treadmill.
   — tl_morgan

February 27, 2008
It also depends on your age. It took me longer to get to feeling better so when I did walk in the beginning it was very slow. Don't waste you money if and until you are ready to use it daily.
   — Claudia C.

February 27, 2008
It will take time to heal. You'll probably be too tired to use a treadmill. Start by walking. That is my form of exercise and it works very well.
   — Dave Chambers

February 27, 2008
I was up and walking within 3 hours of an open RNY. I was determined to get my walking in and it was the best thing I could have ever done for myself. I walked the halls of the hospital. Even if you feel sick and dizzy just do it..things will get better. The patients that didnt walk had the worst time! I had my surgery done 250 miles from home, the surgeon told us to stop on the way home every :30 minutes and get out of the car and walk. I had my surgery 12/22/02, living in northern Michigan---we get plenty of snow, it was just too cold and slippery to walk alot outside. My husband and I went to a nearby Walmart and walked almost every night....I used a shopping cart for support. It got me out and I would see many of my friends and clients, many of the check out people kept track of my weight loss progress over the first year. The support was great! Plus iwalking improves your circulation, prevents constipation, and helps your muscle tone. I was back to work in two weeks. If I found myself feeling bad--gas, hunger urges, etc I would walk, I have a treadmill, I still use it to hang clothes far the first few weeks after surgery---I wouldnt recommend it. I quick jerk or wrong step and you could get hurt and discouraged. I joined a local college wellness center, 6 months after I had my surgery. I am 5 years out, I still belong and I work out 5 days per week. I never got close to my goal but thats okay, my exercise has helped me stay healthy and happy!
   — debmi

February 27, 2008
   — lehigh

February 27, 2008
We have all been so indoctrinated by the diet industry... A treadmill is a wonderful thing if you think you will use it often enough to make it worth the investment. For me, it would have probably become an alternative clothes hanger. I joined a fitness center that had previously been a "Curves." They still had the circuit training course set up and it was perfect for me. It was self-paced and as I recovered, my workouts became more aggressive. Eventually, I went straight to weightlifing because it is the only weight I can keep weight on at this point. I am 5 years post op and consider my surgery to have been a complete and total success! Oh, by the way, a walk at the park or the mall was always more fun than on the treadmill anyway!
   — Tina C.

February 27, 2008
If you are certain that you want to purchase one, and not walk outside or use a gym, think of it this way: If you wait til after the surgery, how will you get it home/set up? You aren't allowed to lift more than a few pounds immediately after the surgery, and no more than 25 pounds for the first 4 weeks. So, you might consider getting it home and set up beforehand, that way it'll be ready when you are! Good luck!
   — genau

February 28, 2008
i am post op day 11 and am joining my exercise club today.actually started walking the treadmill 2 weeks prior to surgery and was sent home with discharge orders to walk twice a day. hope that helps !!
   — alonann

February 28, 2008
My Dr. said walk every day, at least 30 min., but not to use any exercise equipment (ie.machinery) until 6 wks post-op.
   — el_kniepo

February 29, 2008
No, unless you got money to let stand in the cornor. I bought equipment and I started about 2 weeks after I got home, but with work and being tired when I got home and not being an early riser, it just sits there. After 6 weeks, I new I had to do something so I joined a gym for $25.00 per month. I go every day at lunch. I take lunch at 11:00AM for 1-1/2 hours, as I work later into the evening. I hired a personal trainer for $40.00 per hour once a week, and now twice a week and I got to three classes the gym does for streching and Pilaties in the membership on Saturday and Sundays and one night per week. I never felt better and the gym has all kinds of equipment with headsets and personal TV's to keep you working out but entertained. My trainer has taught me to use all the equipment and makes sure that I am getting a workout on the right equipment that I need to build strength
   — William (Bill) wmil

February 29, 2008
dont use the treadmill untill you talk to the Dr. you probably can do more damage than you want. WAIT to buy the treadmill. Bobby
   — obx100

March 1, 2008
I had my RNY 3/15/04, and joined Curves in June and was very successful going 4 nights per week. I lost 90 lbs by November 04, and have kept it off almost 4 yrs post op. The treadmill was good for rainey days. Good Luck Monday!
   — SJWendy

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