Alternative medications to methotrexate and prednisone.

I had gastric bypass surgery 1 wk ago. My doc says I have to go off methotrexate and prednisone that I take for RA because they would damage my new stomach. Does anyone have suggestions for alternative medications?    — marcy7 (posted on October 21, 2008)

October 21, 2008
my husband takes Humira injections. They are quite expensive and had to jump thru hoops to get approved by insurance but you should have no problem since medically you can't take anything else. He gets much better relief with the humira. good luck,.
   — netnie1067

October 21, 2008
My rheumatologist changed my methotrexate tabs to injections prior to my surgery. I wasn't on prednisone so can't help you with that.
   — Cindy H.

October 21, 2008
I can understand your concern. You need to call your rheumatologist. There are several injections that your insurance will likely cover- there is methotrexate and humira. You might also be able to take plaquenil by mouth but that will be up to your rheumatologist to decide. As for anti inflammatory medication (prednisone is a steroid which is like a 'super duper' anti inflammatory)- other than tylenol it is going to be about pain control. If you are ever in a flare of rheumatoid, it will have to be a 'benefit versus risk'. You may need to have prednisone injections at that time. Some things to consider: glucosamine chondroitin which is a herbal medication to help with joint pain- obviously you need to discuss with your doctor before taking but I've known a lot of people who were helped by this. Good luck =-) Amy
   — amybellock

October 21, 2008
I also have RA and have been taking ENBREL for several years It has only been on the market for 3 or 4 years but I was on the study for 12 years and have had no side effects with it. It really does work like a miracle. It is an injection you give yourself 2 times aweek and there is no pain with it the needles are so small you hardly feel it go in. Ask your rheumatologist about it its a wonderful drug!
   — carol66

October 22, 2008
Did the Rituxin study and are just doing the followup now after 1-1/2 yrs. Take methotrexate tablets which I have no problem with. They are small and digest very well for me. Prednisone i took for 8 yrs before wls and have taken injection several times since wls 4 yrs and 8 months ago. My RA flare ups do seem to come more frequent since wls and tylenol or darvocet helps head the pain off when it gets too unbearable at times. The RA meds do make me have a hefty appetite and it is hard trying to keep from eating so much or often. Especially during the evenings and late nights. I do lowcarb now and it works for me if I steadily follow lowcarb. Talk with your surgeon and RA dr to see what they reccomend.
   — mspisces

October 23, 2008
Let's all have 3 cheers for "drugs" and their wonderful healthy side effects. Why not try something "natural" like a strong "liquid" vitamin / mineral supplement called VEMMA. It is in a mangosteen base and has great results in reducing arthritis pain, that's because it is "full" of ant-inflammatory nutrients. Go to
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 24, 2008
Enbrel has been a lifesaver for me. I also am now taking Sulfasalazine tablets 2x a day in addition to the once weekly Enbrel injection. I have found a large decrease in pain now that I am 3 1/2 months out and 70 Lbs lighter. I wish you have the same good luck I have had!!
   — im3d2

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