
Has anyone been on plavix and still was able to get gastric bypass surgery(RNY)?    — cuppaloopy (posted on August 20, 2009)

August 20, 2009
Yes. I started taking Plavix in Oct 08 after a heart attack. I had one stent put it. After that I had 2 more stents. My last stent was May 4th and my surgery was June 29th. I never stopped taking my Plavix. I did stop taking baby aspirin for 5 days prior to surgery. They used low molecular Heparin. I have not started my Aspirin since I am now taking another blood thinner on top of the Plavix.
   — spittman

August 21, 2009
They took me off both Plavix and baby asprin June 08 before surgery and I have not been told to restart them. I had a double cardiac bypass in 2005. I am not on any blood thinners now. No bruising I love it and my heart seems to be fine.
   — trible

August 23, 2009
actaully my surgeon prescribed me to take plavix along with nexium for 30 days after surgery to prevent blood clots.he even said i could swallow them the next day i came home.hope this helps.
   — carolyn1970

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