What do I do with the 6 mo dr. supervised diet?

I am 5'4" tall, have a BMI of 39.6 and insurance wants me to have a 6 mo supervised diet? What does that mean and can I shorten it at all? If I loose to much weight will I qualify still? anyone got any ideas? What did you do? Anxious and concerned.    — ambergirl (posted on August 23, 2009)

August 23, 2009
I too had to do the 6 month supervised diet. It is actually 7 months because the first visit does not count. My surgeon or insurance required I actually lose weight during the 6 months, the insurance just required it before they would consider approving me for surgery. My surgeon had a form created from insurance denials, he gave me a copy and asked that I take it to my pcp. My pcp filled out a copy at each visit, he documented what I was trying to do to lose wieght, count calories, walk etc. At the end of the 7th month, I returned all my forms to my wls, his insurance clerk submitted them to my insurance online and we approval within 5 minutes, literally. I would suggest you find out what your surgeon requires during the pre diet. Some do require a certain percentage of wieght loss. Also some insurnace companies require you lose a certain amount to "prove" you are ready for surgery. Best of luck to you!!
   — fillisg

August 23, 2009
It means you have to be under a doctor care for 6 months such as a dietician. You will see her once a month she will take your weightat each visit and talk to you about your eating habits. She will also get you prepared for the surgery you decide to have. My dietician told me it did not matter if i lost weight as long as i didn't gain any before I was approved. I have BCBS Insurance and they just went from 6 months to 3 moths supervised doctor care. Thank God!! Check with your insurance provider to confirm. Good To You.
   — sjh921

August 23, 2009
I am also 5'4'' tall with a BMI of 40 and my insurance co. (Pomco) required me to be on a 6 month supervised diet which initially I didn't mind because I thought if I could be monitored by a dietician than maybe I could really learn some good tips and maybe loose weight on my own without having to have gastric bypass. But I will be going for my 5th visit soon and haven't seen the dietician yet! All I do is get weighed in by a nurse and they just give you ideas what to eat and that's about it. The entire weigh-in appt. lasts about 10 min. I have actually gained about 10 lbs. since my first weigh-in because I allow myself to eat whatever I want and justifying it by telling myself that I am going to enjoy it because I'll be having surgery in Oct. So this stipulation by my insurance com. is back firing for me. Thank God they don't require that I have to loose a certain amount of weight. But don't worry if you loose weight during your 6 months of monitoring , I don't think that will stop them from approving your surgery. But if you are that worried, ask the staff at your doctors office, they know all the ins and outs of these insurance companies. Good luck.
   — linjim

August 23, 2009
The 6 mo supervised weight loss is usually two-fold. It will help to shrink the liver to make it easier and safer to perform your surgery and it will let the insurance company know whether or not you are a compliant patient that's willing to follow your doctor's orders over a long term (6 months). Your weight as far as the insurance company goes is at the BEGINNING of your 6 month weight loss. They don't care how much weight you loose you will still be able to have your surgery. Most obese patients can take weight off they just can't keep it off long term. I followed the weight loss program and lost about 20 pounds before my surgery. My insurance company required at least 15 pounds. I didn't do it until the two months before my surgery because not only did you have to loose the weight you had to keep it off and that was the easiest way for me to make sure that I did it. Bob
   — rkurquhart

August 23, 2009
u use this time to prepare ourself for the new life u will be experiencing.Get the carb monkey off your back by cutting them from your food intake.Stop drinking carbonated beverages,and focus on the positive things that are ahead for u.There are many things post op that u will have to deal with and the craving for carbs won;t be one of them if u elimanate them pre op.U very possibly could even loose some lbs .good luck and keep asking questions.
   — Bette Drecktrah

August 24, 2009
Along with all the other posts. There is one thing I would like to suggest. Find someone or someplace that will give you some support. You're about to radically change your life. You need this time to learn how to eat properly with the proper ratio of protein, good carbs, and vegies/fruits. Also, give you support on how to deal with emotional issues that plague people like us. I'm thinking like Weight Watchers, Overeaters Anom, Tops, the support groups at the center that you are going to, etc.
   — Kathleen W.

August 24, 2009
My insurance plainly states on a paper that was issued by my surgeon that if I lost 10% or more of my initial weight in 6 months, I would be ineligible for the surgery. I am going on my 5th month now and have lost 3-4 pounds here and there and gained it back. I was put on insulin and was told it would make me gain weight so I am battling that too to try to lose a little weight. My surgeon has me go on 2 week liquid diet - opti fast - two weeks before surgery to shrink my liver. So hopefully i will satisfy the insurance company and I have it in writing that if I lose too much, they will deny me.
   — Ambria

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