
Hi...I had my RNY Gastric Bypass surgery done Aug 19/09 in Michigan done by Dr, Poplawski,,,and as ya know i'm 2 weeks out and im getting one day of constipation the other runs all day,,whats happening to me anybody know?    — sassycindy (posted on September 2, 2009)

September 2, 2009
With all the liquids that you have been taking in, you are bound to be a little "loose". You might be constipated once in a while because you aren't taking in much food. This will straighen itself all out as you add more of the pureed foods. I know I was a very regular person before the surgery but that all changed. I am 8 weeks out and with adding solid food, I now drink a few ounces of prune juice every day to stay regular and it really works. You will get used to it because the benefits of the surgery far out weigh these little bumps in the road like you are experiencing.
   — Barb_F

September 2, 2009
Well my bowels have completely changed. I am 16 months post op and they have never been the same. Just keep your liquids and fiber high..Good luck
   — okbuffy

September 2, 2009
In the beginning weeks, your bowel movements are going to be different. It's normal for alternating bouts of constipation and loose stools. Your body is adjusting. After a couple of months, don't be surprised if you start experiencing nearly constant constipation. That is the case with me. If this happens go for the Miralax. It has been the best thing I have tried. Good luck!
   — PaulaJ

September 2, 2009
My Dr's office told me to take Benefiber, and I do not go a lot but I go everyday. I had one day of the runs about 5 days post op.
   — FSUMom

September 2, 2009
Pain meds can also cause this, if you are still on them.
   — lesleigh07

September 3, 2009
You have to consider all the water you have been drinking & other liquids, that has a lot to do with it. Pain meds also can cause constipation and you body is also going through many changes & adjustments. Try taking benefiber and soon you should become more "normal."
   — Krisican2

September 3, 2009
I am 9 weeks out ... and am finally getting a little more regulated. I take 2 peri-colace every other day, and I have upped my fiber. The Fiber One yogurt seems to really help me. I am also trying to get in more leafy veggies.
   — happypeach

September 4, 2009
I myself have tried metamucil clear & Natural and seems to be working well.I've tryed lots of fiber supplments.
   — mistee.rios

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