Has anyone ever had their surgery cancelled at the last minute ?

I was at the hospital checked in and being prepped for surgery...I V's and blood thinners administered and all ready except for the anesthesia...when a nurse came in and said "your doctor can't make it to the hospital" We were in the midst of a terrible noreaster storm and the flooding was husband and I just barely made it!...but we did! I am so sad and confused as to what to do next...I haven't heard anything from my doctor yet...I've taken an leave of absence from work and was all prepared and now everthing has come to a screeching halt. ...I am so downhearted about it....    — byk (posted on November 14, 2009)

November 14, 2009
Wow, I am sorry to hear of your forced change of plans, I can not imagaine how you are feeling. Perhaps a higher power was looking out for you? It is my belief that things happen for a reason (that doesn't involve you at all). Perhaps there is a personal reason for your doctor to postpone, ie Family Emergency? If this is true, his/her mind would not be in the operation. I know for myself I would rather have that happen than s/he make a mistake. However, I would speak to your doctor and ask for a direct explanation and also provide documentation for work, so you can reschedule. I would be interested in hearing what his/her rationale is. Let him/her know how you feel. I hope you are able to resolve this and move foreward. P.S. make sure they don't try to bill you 2x.
   — A. Me

November 14, 2009
Yes, I had this happen with my sister-in-law. Went thru alot to get her to the Hospital and there was an emergencey that caused her and many others that day to have to cancel. They were all rescheduled for the following week. It was very upsetting to everyone..but as was sd earlier..these things happen for a reason. When she had her surgery all went well for her and all the other patience that had to be re scheduled! Will keep you in my prayers.let us know when having your surg.
   — tootsie52

November 14, 2009
My surgery was cancelled the day before my surgery date back in July of 2009. I am still waiting to have my surgery done, which so far has been rescheduled for December 3rd, 2009. My circumstances were different than yours but I know the devastation that you are feeling. It took me awhile to not feel so sad, mad and frustrated about it all. Especially that I had done all of the steps required and that I have to start them all over again. Like the others have said, I finally just chose to believe that somehow it was for the best. This time around, it doesn't seem to be as hard to go through the steps and I am not getting my hopes up as high. I am cautiously optimistic that I will have my surgery on December 3rd. I could have had the surgery rescheduled ealier but I am a teacher and December works better for me because I can take two weeks off of work and then I have the two weeks off for the Christmas holidays which gives me the full four weeks off that is recommended by my surgeon due to the physical nature of my job. I teach junior kindergarten.
   — Dandy_DeeDee

November 14, 2009
Yes. I was actually on the operating table, under anesthesia and they started calling my name. I asked,"is it over?" and the nurse said they couldn't do it, they couldn't get the tube into my lungs. I said,"keep trying. Use a smaller instrument" but it was no use. They woke me and I didn't get the surgery for 2 more weeks. I was so disappointed. Then I went to see the surgeon and he told me the anesthetist put the tube into my stomach and fluid was coming out, my lungs were getting ready to shut down fromt he meds and they couldn't get the tube in in time, so they had to wake me. The Big Anesthetist~head honcho~ called me and even gave meher pager number in case I had trouble. This was after I was home! They really screwed up. But ya know that didn't stop them from billing my insurance company was their mistake and i had to pay for it. late to make this a short story...but I did have the surgery 2 weeks later and all is good. That was 17 months ago. I met goal in 10 months and have maintained my weight of 120 for the 7 months since. I hope you get a chuckle or two from this. Best of luck to you! hugs,kim
   — gpcmist

November 14, 2009
It hasn't happened to me; my surgery is not scheduled yet for a few more days. But it would be a devastating disappointment. Hang in there. Janelle
   — Janell C.

November 15, 2009
Yes I had this to happen to me,my thyriods labs dropped to low about three day before my surgery, so my dr canceled my surgery date and i have had to wait, I go back for new labs Nov 18th and if my labs are in normal range my dr will do surgery on the 23th of this month/
   — tmparker

November 15, 2009
I had my band removed 7/15/09 with emergency surgery. I was soooo disappointed. I was told I could get rebanded and scheduled it for 12/5 the first day he had available. 3 days before, my surgery was canceled. I was on a liquid diet, etc. I thought it was the end of the world no kidding. I got so depressed and was in a terrible funk. i fought and fought BC and had surgery 12/15. Dont give up. Maybe something happened. Call there asap. i woud think they would squeeze you in. I am sure there was a good reason and obviously it was a last minute think if u were prepped already. Dont give up....Remember had badly you want this!
   — Linda R.

November 15, 2009
I undersyand your frustration. I have reached goal, and have been looking at having plastics for several months. I got a date sceduked for this Friday, and last Friday came down witha bad sinus infection. I haven't even had a sniffle in a year and now this. As of right now, I still don't know if I will be able to proceed. I have to be as well as possible for them to do the surgery because it is so big. FRUSTRATION!!!
   — corky1057

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