
I am checking into this surgery for my husband and just wanting to know what does your scar look like and exactally where is it? Is everyones in the same spot or can you pick a certain area you would like it?    — DBXX (posted on February 18, 2003)

February 18, 2003
My scar is from just below my breastbone to my belly button, right down the center. I had an open RNY. No I did not get to "pick a spot>" the Dr really has to make the incision where it works best for safe surgery. Some do Laproscopic, several smaller incisions. It would be good to discuss this with the surgeon doing the procedure.
   — **willow**

February 18, 2003
My scar is exactly 4 inches long, and it starts about an inch from where my bra band is. You don't get to pick where it is. They make the insicision where the stomach and intestines can be reached.
   — SarahC

February 18, 2003
i had lap rny 8 weeks ago. my scars are tiny except for one on the left side. that one is almost an inch across. i have 5 other sites that are healed and just about gone. good luck to your husband!
   — nan K.

February 18, 2003
I have pics of my scar:
   — ~~Stacie~~

February 18, 2003
i had an open rny 6 months ago and will email you pics of what my incision looks like. i don't think anyone gets to choose where it is and everyone is a little bit different as far as how big it is or where it starts/ends.
   — Christie N.

February 18, 2003
Danielle, my dtr is amazing, mine is right ABOVE my belly button and is 3 inches long and very faint now. I had surgery 6 mos go. GORGOEUS, I am even gonna wear a bikini this summer!
   — heathercross

February 19, 2003
I had open RNY 5/2001 and my scar is practically invisible. It is about 4 inches long and is super thin. I think what helped is that I didnt have staples. My surgeon used the surgi-tape and the glue to keep my incision closed. The only way you can notice it is because it is a little whiter then the rest of my skin, that's it. I am really amazed and lucky! Good Luck!
   — Maureen P.

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