
Hi all I just wanted to share with everyone. I have been coming here for years exploring the WLS and I decided to go on Atkins for the first time as a last resort and low and behold I have lost 83 pounds in 7 months and now at 128 pounds with 13 more to go. I just wanted to tell everyone how supportive and helpful I find this site. I still come here just to read about this surgery and also tummy tucks and stuff because I am so interested in everything here. Plus after loosing that much in a short period of time well lets just say everything isnt where it should be so I can use all the help I can get regarding tummy tucks. Just wanted to tell everyone thanks for you help and support. Danielle    — DBXX (posted on February 10, 2004)

February 10, 2004
Congratulations on losing your weight on Atkins! After the weight is off, though, be very careful to follow the Atkins for Life program. It allows you to add back in some carbs and kind of even them out over the week, but "bad" carbs and snacks are pretty much a no-no forever. Good Luck
   — saltybichon

February 10, 2004
I will and have always said that surgery is not for everyone and should be used as a last resort. I wish you the best and congrats. I don't have the will power I think to do adkins forever without some sort of control on amount. Although this surgery is a LOT like a type of adkins (protein first carbs last or no no). If you can stick with the adkins for life and make the lifestyle change there's no reason why you won't be successful. God Bless. Terri
   — tinky471

February 10, 2004
Thanks guys. Yep I do know that atkins has to be forever. I think I can eat like this for the rest of my life. I wish I'd had know about this way of eatting 10 years ago. I wish I'd had know that it was all those carbs making me overweight. Well, at least I have been blessed enough now to have found out so I do realize if I start eatting all those carbs again I will be right back where I started. Food is my drug and I have kicked the habit but just like a drug addict you are NEVER cured you have to work on it daily and if you slip here and there just jump right back on and you will be fine. Thanks guyzz..
   — DBXX

February 10, 2004
congratulations on finding what works for you and your weight loss success but most of all for learning about yourself.
   — Jencastle

February 10, 2004
Congratulations, Danielle! Good going! I tried Atkins about a year before my surgery, and was impressed with the speed of my weight loss. But it didn't take too long until I was back into the carb eating. And it seemed like my weight really soared, even more than before I tried Atkins. My brother-in-law also lost a lot of weight on Atkins, and I thought he really had his problem "licked" but the last time I saw him he had put back on a good bit of weight. I asked my sister about it, and she said he seems to be eating too many carbs again. Now that I've had surgery, I find it interesting that I can still consume carbs and lose weight. Of course, I realize that most of this is from restriction in amount and the malabsorption factor, but so far, I haven't had to cut carbs completely, I just make sure I get in my protein first. Anyway, best wishes for your continued success. It seems as though you've made a firm commitment to your new lifestyle! Sorry I can't help you with the TT questions. Lap RNY 9/11/03, 254/189/???
   — Carlita

February 10, 2004
I am SO HAPPY FOR YOU! Atkins was my last diet attempt and failed just like every other one. I wish it worked for everyone, and the popularity of atkins and low carb helps everyone including us posties. Do get regular bloodwork done as we posties do to make sure everything is ok. If you have bloodwork results how is your cholestrol?
   — bob-haller

February 11, 2004
That's great, Danielle! Congratulations. I wish you continued success.
   — Yolanda J.

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