Post op weight gain?

My wife had lap RNY surgery last Monday and when she got home and got on the scale she was unhappy to see that she had GAINED 5 lb. We figure that this is probably from post op swelling and inflammation. How long is this likely to last? Anyone else with similar experience? Thanks.    — brewerpaul (posted on December 25, 2005)

December 24, 2005
Hello, you are probably right. I just want her to relax, stay off the scale for while. I have a sense she will get very upset if she doesn't lose as fast or as much as she wants. The measuring tape and clothes are wonderful tools for measuring weight loss and less depressing and stressful. Continue to support her and be there for her and she should be fine.
   — shoutjoy

December 24, 2005
Hello, you are probably right. I just want her to relax, stay off the scale for while. I have a sense she will get very upset if she doesn't lose as fast or as much as she wants. The measuring tape and clothes are wonderful tools for measuring weight loss and less depressing and stressful. Continue to support her and be there for her and she should be fine.
   — shoutjoy

December 24, 2005
She also received IV fluids while in the hospital, so extra weight after coming home is normal. After one week, I had dropped the excess and another 5-6 lbs. I am not a fast loser and after three weeks, am down 14 pounds. If I average more than 3 pounds per week, I'll be thrilled! Stay off the doesn't reflect the whole picture!
   — LauraA

December 24, 2005
She is okay -- it's just after surgery weight -- stay off the scale. She is going to need to heal -- so no need to be on the scale at this time. My partner had the surgery 2 years and is doing fine and is losing well. Keep supporting her as you have been. Peace,
   — the7thdean

December 24, 2005
Paul, Let her know that after reading Carnie Wilson's book and a few others on WLS that it is very normal to gain weight immediately and then it will drop off. I had surgery on Tuesday for my elbow and gained 8 lbs I was very angry and now I am back to where I was before surgery. Have a great holiday and a fantastic New Year. Denise
   — dlryanoates

December 25, 2005
Had my surgery Dec 12 this year. While the nurse was walking with me I saw the scale and got on it. I wanted to choke the scale when I saw that I had gained. I had to laugh at my own self. I didn't have anything to eat before surgery so how could I gain this much and I've been sleep. A week later I went for the first check up that weight and some more was gone....and its still going going going going
   — pettykash

December 25, 2005
I gained about 8 lbs in the hospital from all of the fluids they give you. About 1.5 weeks post op I had lost that weight plus another 20. Tell your wife good luck!
   — tracyr

December 25, 2005
My preop weight was 249lbs, and I brought home an extra 15 lbs of fluid post op. My body loves IV fluids and really holds on to them! My skin felt 2 sizes too small. The good news is that it probably won't last more than a week or two and she will be in the negative column relatively soon.
   — koogy

December 25, 2005
When I got home after surgery Nov 3, I had gained all of my pre-surgery weight loss of 14 lbs, but I lost it back pretty quickly. As of this morning, Dec 26, I have lost those 14 lbs + 30 more lbs since surgery, a total of 44 lbs. At first I was weighing myself all of the time, and I was obsessed about it. I only weigh myself every Monday. Good luck to your wife and you.
   — Danita S.

December 26, 2005
I experienced this, but the one thing someone told me when I first had my suregery was: STAY OFF OF THE SCALE!!! Believe me that was the best advise anyone could have told me. And the only time I got on the scale was when I went to my monthly check-ups. Actually I threw my scale out to avoid any temptation.
   — MsLovely

December 26, 2005
I think everyone has that. I weighed 12 pounds more a week after surgery than I did the day of surgery. My doctor's office said it was from IV fluids and the gas they pump under your skin to do the laproscopic surgery. I was also told it would go away within three weeks, and by golly, it did. I haven't had a problem since. Don't panic...It will subside with time. Good luck.
   — DianaE

December 26, 2005
I had my surgery this past July and I gained 18 pounds in the hospital. Now you know, they don't feed you, and you can't drink much and where the heck did this weight come from?? That is what I was saying, but I lost it and keep on losing, it was from the IV. Only weigh about one time a week to remain sane, Rita
   — Incredibleshrinkinglady

December 26, 2005
It was wonderful seeing the pounds drop from the scale, but it was my experience that I became obsessed with the scale. If I were you - hide the scale from your wife and bring it out once a month or maybe twice. The less obsessed she is with the number the better off everyone will be. Remind her that she had the surgery to feel better and become healthier - a number is just that...a number. People tell me I don't look like I weigh as much as I do...I remember someone saying that formerly obsese people weigh more because their bones compacted because of carrying around all the weight. I'm not sure if that is correct, but I know that I don't look like I weigh what I do (at least to other people) :). Good luck!!!
   — Shelia N.

December 30, 2005
I had my surgery in 1996. When I came home from the hospital I gained 12 Lbs. The first 2 month I did not loose any weight. However the 1st year I dropped 102 Lbs and within 5 years I reached my goal weight. I started at 307 Lbs. and after 9 years I weight 135 Lbs. I followed the nutritionist and the doctor instructions. I take my daily vitamins and I changed my eating habits as I was told to. Today it is a part of my life and a daily habit for me and for my family.
   — Dani96

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