Are there any tightening exercises?

I am 5 months post op and I have lost 120 pounds and now I have the extra skin factor going on. My arms, abs, and chest. What can I do to tighten these areas without surgery?    — angelteacher (posted on December 27, 2005)

December 27, 2005
I don't know how much more you have to lose, but I doubt whether you can do a lot to your skin other than surgery, yes you can do toning and gym work, build up some muscle to shape and firm, but truth to tell, once your skin has stretched beyond a certain point it is unlikely to respond to anything other than surgery. It is not only the skin which stretches, but the whole framework within the skin, (fascia and muscles etc. However the muscles will shrink back somewhat, but the rest is up to the skill of your plastic surgeon. If you take the plunge and select a consultation with a plastic surgeon, be advised on what is possible to do. The results certainly speak for themselves. I have had multiple procedures and I would do it again in a heartbeat.
   — Lise K.

December 27, 2005
I am in the same boat! Unfortunately, only surgery will tighten the loose skin. I can't believe that insurance companies won't pay for it, but most won't. I get sore under all the skin folds, no matter how much i wash and keep dry.
   — Novashannon

December 28, 2005
I had a friend that had the surgery about 5 years ago. She kept getting yeast infections in the folds of the loose skin on her abdomen. The bariatric surgeon requested that insurance cover the tummy tuck to eliminate this problem. I don't know all of the details as to what all had to happen, but they covered her tummy tuck. Good luck to you!
   — KV

December 29, 2005
I am not sure how effective this would be... and it may sound kind of wild to you too.... but I have a friend that had surgery last year and she had the extra skin... someone told her to try using hemoroid cream as a lotion at night before she went to bed and then wrap seran wrap around the areas that she had used the cream. She was told that it would help shrink the skin. She never tried it but I guess it would be worth a try if you can handle the cream and seran wrap.
   — acastro4244

December 30, 2005
Body wraps help pretty good. A lot of people are doing those not on for lose body fat and to help with breast reduction also.
   — Sheronda L.

January 5, 2006
use Vitamin E lotions every day. This helps bring the elasticity back to your stretched out skin. Obviously at this point you will not be able to get risd of all excess skin but it will help.
   — Edie

March 28, 2006
I think it depends on a lot of things your age how long you have been heavy and strength training.
   — sohappytobefree

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