My maximum ideal BMI weight is 157 lbs. Do most folks attain their ideal BMI range ?

I am a man 5 ft 7. In May 2005 I was 413. I was 332 when I had surgery 7 months later Dec 12, 2005 . Now on Feb 1 I am 293. My BMI range is 118 to 157. Do most people se their goal weight in their BMI range ? Do most people attain that ? I wish to set a very realistic goal weight.    — PorkyPug (posted on February 1, 2006)

February 1, 2006
I had hoped for the middle of the normal BMI range which was around 129/130. My body wants to weigh around 162 and there seems to be nothing I can do to change it. I did get to 151 when I was really really sick.... but that came back on pretty quick. I think most people seem to be still overweight.... of course there are others here who get to goal or lower. I envy them.
   — Danmark

February 1, 2006
   — walter A.

February 1, 2006
In regards to a realistic goal weight, rather than a specific number my surgeon said - "let's just see where your body settles in to a comfortable weight." he also said, expect a series of plateaus, and at some point you body will stop losing and that will stay a while and the majority then rebound about 10% of what they lost as thier body adjusts. what is success defined as in WLS - I have seen varying statistics, but it seems that 70-80% of excess weight off. I personally try to define it as being healthier, lower cholesterol, normal blood pressure. My BMI is currently 27 (4'11" & 135 #) which is in the overweight range. if you saw me I don't think you would say I look fat. I am also not a stick girl either & dont want to be. At one point I did drop to 120 during an illness and that is with in the normal BMI range for me. However I looked bad, my face was sunken in and I looked OLD. In determining an appropriate weight goal also consider maintainence. Even If I felt like I looked good at 120, I don't think I could maintain that weight with out a lot of suffering. at 135, I can maintain pretty well, I have to work at it, but it is realistic and a I can eat and enjoy life. I watch what I eat and exercise consistantly 4-6 times a week for at least an hour a day.
   — **willow**

February 1, 2006
Take everyone's advice about not setting an unrealistic goal. I had pushed myself, becoming obsessed with some truly strange goals (needing, for some reason, to be able to lose half of my starting weight by my 11th post-operative month). As I examined my weight loss goals and progress, I discovered that I had been putting myself on that old diet cycle. However, once I realized that I needed to think of my eating regimine as a permanent lifestyle change and not as a "diet", I have found that I have been able to sustain a healthy weight around a 25 BMI. My guide has been to minimize getting on the scale (except in my doctor's office, so that I am not ruled by a naturally fluctuating daily weighing), to be sensitive to everything that goes in my mouth and to find some contentment each morning that I had avoided my old trigger foods and bad eating behaviors the day before. Over the past 18 months, I have enjoyed maintaining the same size, something which my old habits would have never allowed. Good luck in your journey.
   — SteveColarossi

February 2, 2006
I was told to expect a loss of 50-70 percent of my excess weight. Admittedly, that would still leave me overweight and I am hoping to be one of those that achieves their desired goal weight and bmi. Good luck.
   — LauraA

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