What is the percentage of people gaining back there weight with Roux-N-Y

Is there alot of people that gain there weight back, or that have problems taking the pounds off with this surgery?    — blueesteyes (posted on December 19, 2006)

December 18, 2006
Why would you put your body thru the surgery not to care enough to gain it back...yes you can gain and when you do you stretch out your pouch and tear staples out that in turn can cause you to have all sorts of problems
   — shortskirt_ky

December 19, 2006
The majority (taken from this web site) of folks that have RNY maintain a 60 - 70 % of excess wewight loss for 10+ years... There is a regain of 10 - 20 % but that is not everyone and is not a large % either. MaryLyn
   — Kriola

December 20, 2006
Almost everyone (even the really virtuous among us) will regain some weight, no matter what surgery he or she undergoes. The surgeries with the most malabsorption (the duodenal switch and the distal RNY) will give the most assistance in combating regain, but some regain of weight is likely even with those surgeries. Avoiding sugary and high-calorie foods is key to avoiding a big rebound, but the body will adapt to the surgery and learn to get back some of those pounds even if you're quite "good." That's a reality for which you should prepare yourself as you dream of the post-op you.
   — Virginia N.

December 20, 2006
P.S. - Overall, all types of surgeries considered, most people do keep off the majority of the weight they lose. But most people don't stay in the smallest size they reach, either.
   — Virginia N.

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