Best 'un' or 'non' flavored protein powder

I am preparing for my surgery this month and wanting to buy a non/un flavored protein powder. I know none are 100% tasteless, but i wanna get as clsoe as possible. I tried the Designer Whey no flavor in some soup today and it was so gross...I almost gagged and i haven't even had the surgery yet!    — hatda (posted on January 8, 2008)

January 8, 2008
I am allergic to whey (and found out the hard way preparing for my surgery) so I had to go to a soy protein powder. Good luck in finding something tasteless. I bought a soy protein unflavored at GNC and I mix it with Cranberry juice. If I keep stirring as I sip, I can get through it. There is a Jay Robb protein powder in various flavors that comes in individual packages. You might try that even though it is flavored, you have a few different choices. It is available at The Medicine Shoppe. Hope this helps.
   — SonjaC

January 8, 2008
Designer Whey's about the best I've had. Stuff like that works best in strong flavored items, like spicy foods that mask the taste. One of the things I lived on right after surgery was fake tomato soup (we can't have the real one because it's too high in sugar and carbs). Take 4 oz of water and 4 oz of tomato juice. Mix the protein with a couple of tablespoons of water until smooth. Heat the juice/water mixture alone almost to boiling and then use a blender to mix in the protein and some Old Bay Seasoning in. Garnish with a small amount of parmesan cheese. I had this for dinner every night I was on liquids. Good Luck!
   — Shirley D.

January 8, 2008
I woudl think any of the unflavored would be gross! I tried the designers whey vanilla. I mixed it with milk and it was pretty good. I put a scoop in my coffee in the am.Just adds a touch of vanilla flavor. Can hardly taste it. There are plenty of things you can use or eat, you will learn. I am only 3 weeks post op but eating regular food
   — Linda R.

January 8, 2008
It's not tasteless, but Essence Protien Drink, Chocolate Flavor, mixed with skim milk is not bad at all. I am 5 days post op and am starting my protein drinks again. This is what I lived on before the surgery. Good luck!
   — ladonna08

January 8, 2008
Have you tried unjury ? Here is their website.. I know many people who like.. My Fav is Isopure Zerocarb in the glass bottle at GNC... and flovor of choice is Blue Raspberry. Ginger <><
   — gak

January 8, 2008
I use the Anywhey tasteless protein. I get it on www.bariatriceating.con or I also heard you can get it at GNC. That's the best i've found. I add to my coffee to make protein lattes. Goodluck, Jeannie
   — jjeanniespets1

January 8, 2008
I agree with Ginger---the unjury is the best. I do use the unflavored at times but prefer the chocolate and occ. their vanilla. They also make a really good chicken soup with high protein. I have tried their sample and liked it but haven't ordered it yet. Julia
   — Julia W.

January 9, 2008
I have tried over 20 Wheys so far and I have been the happiest with the NOW 100% whey isolate powder. It desolves easily in everything and as of now, please start with smaller amounts of whey and not a whole scoop to get use to it. Congratulation on the choices that you have made and good luck. I am 7 months out and 164 pounds down. good luck again.
   — dslman57

January 9, 2008
You might want to try BeneProtein. You may need to order this online as I am not sure that you are likely to find it in a local store. Best wishes.
   — mrsidknee

January 9, 2008
Hand down Unjury choc is the best. Their unflavored is good as well, but do not put in anything hot. The protein will become like scramble eggs over 135 degrees on most products. Contact and order Unjury on the web at There a great company and offer a discount if you order a standard order every month which you can change. I have all their flavors, but my stock orcer is cor Choc. It is great in Skim Milk.
   — William (Bill) wmil

January 9, 2008
I agree with Jeannie, Anywhey tasteless protein powder. You can buy it at GNC and it's cheaper than online and no shipping and handling charges. I mix it with pretty much anything, especially crystal light and it's good. I did just try the designer whey pomegranit today also from GNC and boy was it good! I was amazed. But you only get 10 grams of protein in it vs 17 grams per scoop of the Anywhey. Good luck, God bless and see you on the losing side!
   — crystalsno

January 9, 2008
I have not found a tasteless one yet but my favorite is Syntrax nectar whey protein (the roadside lemonade with a small amt of added lemon juice is wonderful!!). I too have a problem not gagging with most of them I tried but this one is so much better! You might see if they sell samples--not sure--I got mine at Good luck!
   — wizardofoz

January 9, 2008
I prefer AnyWhey Protien. It is the only one that says on the jar that you can cook with it. you can add it to cold and hot stuff. Allot of protiens get lumpy if you add it to your morning decaf coffee. This doesn't. I really like it best.
   — jk_harris

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