How do you deal with the tiredness of No Carbs?

Hi, I'm 4 days into my very low carb Lap Band pre op diet. Becuase I have about 20lbs to lose before surgery, my surgeon has dropped my allowed intake of carbs to around 15 grams a day. Have any of you had issues with the sudden change in carb intake? I expected to be a little tired, but not like this. I just can't seem to get going. If you have experienced this, how long did it last? What, if anything, helped? Thanks!    — kchooker (posted on January 24, 2010)

January 24, 2010
i did but it does get better, Some people take a whole week to get better, it is call Ketosis, look it up I bet you have several symptoms but hang in there you can do it. I WAS A CARB ADDICT!! I could have ate carbs and no Stick with it is downhill from here and it will be worth it! Good Luck
   — ladyrdhk

January 24, 2010
I suggest you speak with your surgeon and let him know this very low carb intake is not working for you. Maybe he has several additional plans he may provide you. Maybe you should increase your exercise or begin exercise ( and obtain a more suitable eating program for you.
   — Daryl Madison

January 25, 2010
When I did my pre-op liquid diet --- my butt DRAGGED!! They only thing that helped me was to eat protein every few hours to keep my energy at a functioning level. Good luck honey. All I can say is... this is the hard part. The beginning of this journey is HARD! BUT...if you stick with it and stick to it --- you will be SO happy with your end results. Hang in there. xoxo
   — jammerz

January 26, 2010
I experienced a bit of tiredness as well on my pre-op diet. After the first week I recovered pretty well and managed to loose the weight my surgeon required. Keep at it if you can. You're about to embark on a life changing journey. Best of luck!
   — Mike A.

January 26, 2010
THANK YOU! All your answers were very helpful! The symptoms are getting better and I'm feeling much better. Its working I've lost 18 lbs so far!
   — kchooker

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