Soon I will have to have my port re-sewn.

   — Barb Jones (posted on February 18, 2010)

February 18, 2010
I am not really familar with this whole process and I pushed the wrong thing. Four months ago I had a lap band done and went in for my third fill(was just trucking along a great speed. I haven't lost a much as I could have but I havelost 51 pounds) but then the floroscopic nurse said I had a flipped port. So I was just wandering if anyone had gone thru the same thing and what was the set back time (if any.)
   — Barb Jones

February 19, 2010
Hi Barb: I am just curious as I have lapband surgery coming up in a few days. Did they say how or why the port would flip?
   — Libby R.

February 20, 2010
Libby, The lady that does my fills assured me that it was nothing I did. "Sometimes it just happens" is what I was told. Having the WLS was best decision that I have made in a looong time!!!! I have heard from the surgoen and my Dr. office and feel much more confident that it is just some thing that happens. The Dr. said he hasn't seen one for months when the lady found mine she said she had seen two in the last two days. Good Luck on your surgery you'll be glad you did it!
   — Barb Jones

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