4 days post my gastric sleeve and have lost 7lb is that normal? or am i to slow?

hi iam cristy from tx had my surgery on the 20th of april is been 4 days and iam still in little pain iam siping water almost all the time and on fluids but i really want to know what to expect is pain going away fast? when am i going to feel normal again? please help!!    — cristinaA (posted on April 24, 2010)

April 24, 2010
Relax, and the pain subsides, I had RNY and I had pain, but not too much when I came home from the hospital. As far as the weight loss, I think you are doing well, you had major surgery. I journal my weight loss.
   — FSUMom

April 24, 2010
Realx!!! You have lost 7 lbs in 4 i repeat 4 days!!! Have you ever done that before? You are doing fine and the pain will soon subside also. Welcome to the losers bench and good luck!!
   — callen3640

April 25, 2010
YOu are doing fine! Just keep sipping the water! The pain is natural, remember you had major surgery! The pain will eventually go away,you have to heal on the inside out, not the outside in! Your body will tell you when you are good to go, but you have to listen. So for now rest when you are tired and lay down when you need too. It's ok you are tired and need too! Good luck.
   — Jrice423

April 27, 2010
The pain should start easing up in a day or two as long as you don't do to much. Especially don't vacume or mop I did and ouch I paid for it. Your weight loss is doing great and you will probably loose some then slow down then lose some then after 4-6 weeks when you can really start exercising you'll start losing a whole lot. You will have times when it comes off real fast and other times when it slows down and even maybe stalls a little. It's ok your body has to adjust to all of this and you need to stay healthy. You'll start feeling really good after about 4 weeks. My friend and I both experience that with our VSG's. Congratulations and give yourself time to heal. I hope you continue to have great success.
   — Lisa von Wallmenich

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