in less than 48hrs and i'm a nervous basket case i went for my pre admissions blood

work today, i have so many things running threw my mind about dieing is this normal? i have 2 boys 10 & 6 and i'm a single parent, i'm sure this is the best thing for ,me but why am i all of a sudden scared to death? i would like to here from other people that are scheduled for surgery soon and also people who are a t least 2 months post op and and tell me what your feelling like now excuse me if i sound a lil looney! by the way my surgery is thursday the 20th og sept.    — TRACY D. (posted on September 18, 2001)

September 18, 2001
Tracey, what you are going thru is perfectly normal. You are having major surgery. But, there is a very low mortality rate. Morbid Obesity is in itself a morbidity. Think of all the great times you will have with your kids when you are thin! Make sure someone knows all your important details. Put all papers together and be prepared. Write your kids a letter. Pray. Then you will know you have done everything that needs to be done. Think positive! You'll be fine. Good Luck. I'll be having surgery 10/8. My kids are grown, but I know how you feel. Take a leap of faith! See you on the other side! Linda
   — Linda B.

September 18, 2001
I had my open RNY July 24th, 2001, everything in the world went through my mind. I told my doctor that I was so nervous and just could not stop thinking about all the things that could go wrong..He said he would be very worried if I felt otherwise, since this is major surgery. You are perfectly normal as the post says above mine. I can't wait to hear from you on the other side. Go Gal!!! YOUR THOUGHTS ESPECIALLY THE NEGATIVE ARE NORMAL!!! Take Care and all my best wishes, thoughts and prayers are your way!
   — Karen Renee

September 19, 2001
Hi I am a week away from my surgery and I am up and down with my fears. I know as a mother of two I am terrified at the thought of not being here for my children. I also know due to my weight that I have altered my life to accomidate me being obese. Actually I have stopped having a life and therefore denied my children their mom. All I keep thinking about is being able to go bike riding, swimming, and running around with them. I may not know what the outcome of this surgery will be; but I do know if I don't have it the outcome will be a hard life and a early death. So what is my choice? My choice is to live. I don't think that anyone of us are taking this chance just to be cute. We all want better lives for ourselves and I know this will be difficult but we are going to be okay. And in the long run we are going to be healthy and happier. Oh and cute too!!!!
   — Vanessa H.

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