Has anyone had fluid coming out of their incision?

i'm 11 days postop and have pinkish fluid coming out of the middle of my insision has anyone had this and what did you do it to stop it my doctor says just let it run out but i can't even take a walk due to trying to keep this from dripping outcan i put peroxide on it?    — TRACY D. (posted on October 1, 2001)

October 1, 2001
The same thing happened to me. I had leakage from the incision- VERY FRIGHTNING.. My doctor told me to keep a clean guaze on it and just to change it often. Mine continued to leak for approx 2 weeks. As long as there is not a huge amount of blood or a foul odor, I would not worry much about it. Best of Luck to Ya!!!
   — [Anonymous]

October 1, 2001
It si strange you asked this question. I called my DR about that today and the nurse said that have a abcess around one of my stitches. I will be 6 weeks post op on Thursday and mine has been draining since a wek after my surgery. If it isnt' better I have to go in next week so they can remove the stitich. I was getting ripped my so much tape so I took a clean wash cloth an put over mine and let the elastic from my panties hold it up. I couldn't stand anymore TAPE! UGH! My Dr said that was fine especailly after he seen my tummy. Good Luck
   — Donna J.

October 1, 2001
YES!!! my incision was leaking for over 3 weeks,the doc told it was normal,it was the fat around the incision,it was cut in halfs and Fat doesn't heal!!! YUCK just keep a clean pad on it;I started with gauze but it got to expensive so the doc told me to use a kotex pad.
   — Monica J.

October 1, 2001
Yes, this happened to me to. It would drain a massive amount, I thought I'd spilled water on myself. Then it stopped, then a couple days later, it started again. I saw the doctor and he opened it up and had me pack it. He said it would heal faster that way. It look awful to me, but it didn't really hurt and it did heal right up. In my post-op instructions it said to call if the incision drained. To be safe, I think you should make sure your surgeon knows about this. However, if it doesn't hurt, that's a good thing.
   — kcanges

October 1, 2001
Yes. I started out at about a week post-op with just a drop of two of drainage. Then, less than a week ago (I'm only 2 weeks post-op today) I was standing in the bathroom and noticed pinkish liquid on the vanity and floor. When I went to clean it, I noticed it on my shorts. Lifted my shirt and it was flowing down my shorts. I quick stripped, jumped into the shower without turning the water on and all of a sudden I found myself standing in what felt like gallons and gallons of "leakage". Then I smelt it. The horrible smell. Had I turned on the water right away I probably wouldn't have smelt it. My doctor had me in the office less than 2 hours, removed 5 of my 19 staples and told me that walking probably helped to move the fluid down . Now I have a 4 inch deep "crater" that is packed 2x's a day by a nurse. I've learned to pay total attention to my incision; and yes, they use hydrogen peroxide on/in it and it doesn't hurt one single bit...just bubbles. My suggestion is to dress it good and go for a walk. Good Luck to you!
   — Kristin R.

October 1, 2001
I'm still pre op but am a nurse. Watch your incision for s/s infection--red, hot swollen. Drainage with a foul odor or color other that pink/clear. It's better out than in. Take your temperature if you think you have an infection. Call your MD and let him know. Good Luck Linda
   — Linda B.

October 2, 2001
I certainly hope that your doctors not only opened up and packed your incisions, but that a culture was done as well. If the wound is infected, you need to be on antibiotics. Especially the lady who reported having a foul smell from her drainage; that is usually an indication of infection. I have had a horrible Staph infection from a back incisoin before, and required a two week hospitalization with IV antibiotics. Also, please ask your doctor before pouring peroxide on your wounds, even if it "just bubbles". Doctors sometimes use other antiseptics that you may think is peroxide, but I wouldn't suggest using this unless your doctor asked that you do so. When you pack a wound, it is imperitive that you allow the tissue to granulate and heal. This may hinder the healing process. A draining wound is not something to be taken lightly, and your doctor should have you come in immediately to check the area, and not give phone advice when they cannot see/smell/culture the area properly.
   — Jennifer P.

October 2, 2001
I had a yellowish pus discharge that my wife a RN thought was a infection. My surgeons nurse saw it but blew it off but I called again the next day and demanded to be seen by my surgeon...... I am diabetic and was really scared. Surgeon put me on antibiotics and said fat was necrotizing (dying) and likely infected....... I complained about his nurse and her attitude that was bad, and designed to make me feel that I was a bother. I said I am the patient, he is the doctor and she is the nurse but between us I am a customer and he is a business. He agreed and said he would speak to the nurse. I hope she got her head kicked in. Its YOUR health if your worried be persistent.... It could save your life. I love my surgeon and his care and dont feel my problem was typical, thats why the post is anymous.
   — [Anonymous]

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