I am so scared of the tube they put down in your nose, does it hurt?

I am so scared, I heard they put a tube down your nose into your stomach.. I am so scared of this. Are you asleep before they do it, or awake?    — Jodi D. (posted on February 5, 2002)

February 5, 2002
The tube they put in your throat is inserted after you are asleep. All I remember is getting a sedative, getting drowsy, then having a mask over my face and falling asleep. Next thing I knew they were waking me up in recovery and I slowly realized where I was. The tube was gone (from my throat) before I awoke, but it does leave a sore throat a little.
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 5, 2002
Don't sweat it=0) The tube was put in while I was sleeping, but it was still there when I woke up. It was pumping blood from my stomach. While it was a bit frightening at first, it didn't hurt. She took it out about 2 hours later when I started complaining about it annoying me! It did not even hurt when she pulled it out... felt strange, but no pain at all. I am only 3 weeks post op, so I remember it clearly! LOL Good luck and don't worry about that tube! Branny
   — Branwen W.

February 5, 2002
There is two tubes, One that goes in your nose and down to ur tummy and one that goes in your throat to your airway. both tubes are inserted after u are asleep, however, the one that is in your throat is removed before u are asleep so u never even know it was there except maybe a little bit a scrachy throat and the one that is in your nose, isnt a big deal either when they remove it they will ask u to take a deep breath and they pull it out its over in seconds, u wont feel a thing...I didnt have the one in my nose from my wls but i had it in my nose for a couple of days when i had my splenectomy and to top that one off i had one in my stomach trust me u have nothing to worry about good luck with ur surgery
   — Deanna Wise

February 5, 2002
I put off having this surgery for over five years due to my fear of the NG tube. kinda silly reason when i look back now. the tube was put in when i was asleep, i had it in for two days after surgery. It was not painful. The worst of it was to the back of my throat phlegm would build up on the tube ...didn't hurt..just kinda irritating. It didn't hurt whatsoever to come out..actually was a relief.
   — paula B.

February 5, 2002
Before getting too nervous about this, ask your surgeon if he even uses the NG tube. Mine didn't. It isn't something that all surgeons use, so find out before getting too panicky. Good luck. Shelley
   — Shelley.

February 6, 2002
My NG tube did not hurt or irritate me at all. I didn't even know it was there until I went to scratch my nose and felt something sticking out of my nostril. When they went to take it out, it just felt like one huge nasty bugger coming out, and as the end of the tube came out, it burned alittle. That's it. SORRY for getting gross, but that was the best way I could describe the sensation. No pain or irritation while it was in & no pain coming out. Don't worry yourself too much over this. I understand the fear 'cause I was scared about it too. But the NG was so minor compared to the pain of the incision. And don't forget, you'll have that wonderful morphine to get you through all these things!
   — lalasmommy

February 6, 2002
I didn't feel it going in or coming out!
   — Cindee A.

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