Why do i feel like this?

hello everyone i am kinda in a werid state right now. i had my surgery on feb 20th and am soo happy for my doctors i am down 80 pounds forever and am ever so grateful. Now for the hard part first let me say i love my dear husband very very much and could not even think of wanting to be with another man but lately he has been kinda scaring me off.......he never was very affectionet in public and was always kinda not wanting to try new things and now that he is all over me and wants to do it everywhere it kinda scares me.........not to the point were i am terrified but just this uneasy feeling......and it makes me not want to (at least for now)any one else ever feel this way and did it pass? please give me some advice.....    — LUVY L. (posted on June 6, 2002)

June 6, 2002
This actually happened to me after my last big weight loss (on liquid diet). I finally figured out that the reason I felt so "weird" was because all of the sudden my husband "wanted" me more. In the back of my mind I was thinking "well, why didn't you want me before" and turned him away. I know on a conscience level that he loves me no matter what....even thought our love life has taken a drastic turn for the NONE since I have put back on all 85 lbs. plus an additional 30 for good measure! My husband still loves me, but not physically. Plus, I don't enjoy it at this weight, it's more work that it's worth! So, maybe you are thinking in the back of your mind "why now? wasn't I good enough before??" Try to be flattered.... even though it might be hard at first. Good luck to you!! Happy losing!! Renee D.
   — Renee D.

June 7, 2002
hello. first, congrats on losing so much weight! i am a new post-op so have not experienced what you are yet. But i can understand what you are going through. It is a change for him, and he may not even realize it, i wouldn't take it any other way than lovingly. Ofcourse affection can be hard to get used to sometimes, so maybe you can ease into it. but embrace it. You have a new body and new life and your husband loves you before and after, it is just easier for him to put his arms around you now, thats how i look at it! :)
   — Lezlie Y.

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