How can I loosen stomach muscles so I can exercise?

I just had lap gastric bypass about five days ago. My doctor said it was okay to start walking as soon as I felt up to it. So around day 5 post-op I attempted to do a 1 mile walking video. I was feeling fine until about around half a mile, I began to experience a tight muscle pull and could not continue. Has anyone else experience this starting to try to exercise? I thought maybe I did too much or maybe I should have stretched. What are some good stretches that will loosen my stomach muscles so I can walk?    — OCCY (posted on November 17, 2007)

November 17, 2007
You have to start sloooow. Try walking a few houses down the block and back. Do that for a couple of days, and then try a further distance. I'm sure your doctor would tell you the same thing. Only try what is comforable. Trying a mile walk 5 days post op is not a wise decision. I take 2 walks daily, that are 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 miles in length, depending on the route. I only felt comfortable with this lenght of walk several weeks post op. Trying to do too much too fast should not be done. Try to walk smaller distances 2 days or more in a row, and then extend the distance. Work up to this walk
   — Dave Chambers

November 17, 2007
I starrted walking right away too but didn't shoot for one mile right away. I did half a mile on flat ground (at the high school track) for a while. I did notice that each time I advanced the distance a little I had a little tightness at the port site and I always let that be my guide. As soon as I felt that I stopped walking. Eventually the port completely healed and it didn't happen any more but that was my barometer. I did half a mile for a week or so then up to one mile and increased 1/4 to 1/2 mile as I felt able to. I am now up to 4.5 - 5 miles but due to the cold weather I am now exercising indoors. Don't overdo it, but do it!!! Good luck.
   — Stacey D.

November 17, 2007
Octavia, We understand your excitement and motivation honey -- but not a mile 5 days out. After my surgery I would walk from my apt blding to the corner and back and that was enough for me. You have to start slow and work your way back up. Your stomach is still healing -- inside and out and you have to be careful. Walking is the thing right now; however, work up to that mile. Over doing it early will only cause injury (such as a pulled muscle) will slow you down.
   — the7thdean

November 17, 2007
Well i started out way to fast when I was released at 4 weeks out and I actually ended up tearing a stomach muscle. This is not something you want to do!!! Slow Down. The weight will come off but it is a lot slower when you hurt yourself like I did. It actually set me back about 4 weeks.
   — Alvernlaw

November 17, 2007
My Doctor says that I will be up and walking in the hospital one hour after I get out of surgery. I wont be able to do any type of other exercise until two months after my surgery. I will walk for a few minutes everyday while I am in the hospital and then once I get home. Every doctor is different in there approach I guess.
   — ednamjr

November 17, 2007
This is too much too soon. Try to remember you had major surgery, and no matter what they call it (GBP, RNY etc) you still had a major bowel resection and this takes time to heal. Walk around the block or on a flat surface, 5 days out is way to soon to be doing too much, your body needs time to heal. Please go slow and best of luck to you.
   — noboat4u

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