sick just 2 days before surgery

i think i have a cold or maybe allergies. i have decided to go through with my surgery and now this happens . had anyone gone through this before their surgery??????????? i need to take something but i didn't want to before    — jenjen7 (posted on April 7, 2008)

April 7, 2008
You need to notify your surgeon ASAP as they might have to re-schedule you if you are sick. Best of luck to you! Ana
   — nursevilla

April 7, 2008
same thing happend to me 2 days before my RNY mine was October 31, 2007 I took comtrex took em every 4 hours and still went thru with surgury they said as long as you dont have a fever and it all worked out good luck and prayers are going up for you ..Kaye
   — angelscent

April 7, 2008
They usually will not operate if you are sick...My surgeon had me on ZiCam nasal spray just to make sure I didn't get even a sniffle. There is not much you can do but let a cold run it's course and tell your surgeon now...Your body needs all its defenses to heal you after surgery and with a cold you could develop pneumonia in your lungs from the anesthesia... If you have a cold...meds will only relieve symptoms and not heal a cold...I don't know about allergies...but it was my understanding that the only meds that I needed to stop were aspirin since it is a blood thinner. Everything else I stopped three days before surgery day. Talk to your surgeon!
   — .Anita R.

April 7, 2008
I would call your doctor and ask because you aren't to take anything right before your surgery. However, you anesthesiologist will make the final determination. Be prepared for a postponement if your cold is progressed.
   — redlilies

April 7, 2008
Working in the operating room I can tell you that most hospital policies will not allow surgery if you are sick (unless emergency/life threatening of course) You need to be well in order to heal properly plus your respiratory system needs to be healthy to make anesthesia safer. CALL YOUR SURGEON NOW! better to know know know if it has to be rescheduled than to go through the preop day, show up for surgery and have it cancelled by anesthesia. Best of luck and don't worry they will do what is best for you. Cheers Mike
   — mikiej72

April 8, 2008
Call your surgeon. They will tell you what to take and if it will be OK to go ahead with surgery or do it a week or so later.
   — William (Bill) wmil

April 8, 2008
The problem with this is if you have a Bacterial infection like Strep throat and it is left untreated prior to surgery, well you can imagine how catastrophic that could be. I had a friend that had wisdom teeth removed while having undiagnosed Strep Throat and he was in the hospital for 3 months and almost died. The Bacteria got into his blood stream from the teeth being pulled and he developed Toxic Shock Syndrome. The Doctors said it was a miracle he survived. TELL YOUR DOCTOR. He may want to put you on antibiotics prior to your surgery.
   — Annie P.

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