Has anyone tried diet pills after weight loss surgery to give a jump start

   — alexandannq (posted on February 4, 2009)

February 4, 2009
I wouldn't do that if I were you. Your body has just been thru a major change with surgery. Now you want to add medicines that you don't know what effect will have on you. You can check and do research but most people would say it isn't a good idea. vinnigirl, retired RN
   — vinnigirl

February 4, 2009
I think some do go back to old magic pills (that never worked) rather than changing their lifestyle out of desperation or fear of failure...I personally will never use a diet aid again because I learned that old diet fads and pills do not work long term and some of these new ones are just plain scary to me...I tried that route for most of my life! They don't work for me or anyone I know! Since surgery 5 years ago, I learned that what truly works is a knowledge of nutrition and food, how the body works, the metabolism and why eating too little as well as too much can slow your progress. Balance, moderation and healthy eating along with exercise is the magic pill... Read the label on your diet pill...It includes the MAGIC right there on the label...EVERY diet pill I ever took has the magic ingredients...."Take this pill along with DIET AND EXERCISE" There it is...Those magic words! They truly are how to do it, but WITHOUT the pill....Eating food as close to nature as possible is the magic food...eating in moderation and only when you are hungry...Being honest to yourself and KNOWING that you deserve to be thin and normal is the magic...CHANGING your lifestyle of diet and exercise and mind and spirit is the magic...Pills don't work long term if you don't change long term and control what you put into your body...Taking a pill with stuff you never heard of or have no idea where it comes from in just plain scary to me now. I hear people say things like "there is no such thing as a lifestyle change, we are all on diets" and I feel so sorry for them...Because they believe that eating unhealthy food is NOT a diet...I don't see it that way...I see eating unhealthy food as THE WORST diets of all dieting...Eating food that comes from mother nature is how we are SUPPOSED to eat...It's not a diet fad ...IT'S "THE" DIET! Just my humble opinion. Hope that helps in some way...Hugs! Be safe and healthy!
   — .Anita R.

February 4, 2009
Not a good idea... besides, diet pills don't work. Try the 5-day pouch test. This might help get you back on track. Good luck.
   — maria09elena

February 4, 2009
If they didn't work before why would they work now?
   — SharonZ

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