Body Odor

Has anyone had a problem with body odor? I never had body odor before my surgery and now any kind of exercise causes me to have body odor under my arms. It doesn't matter what kind of deodorant I use, nothing works. Does anyone have any suggestions?    — Rebecca F. (posted on March 6, 2009)

March 6, 2009
I have not experienced body odor but I have seen some other changes that I was not prepared for. You may want to consult with your dr. because it could be a chemical imbalance. Hope I was a little helpful.
   — Shades.Of.Me

March 6, 2009
I have experienced an increase in body order. The only thing I can attribute to this is I still struggle daily on getting enough water in.
   — Gordobl

March 6, 2009
This might be your body ridding itself of toxins that are stored in your fat being released as you shed fat. As usal, cunsult your doctor if you're worried about your health.
   — Renee B.

March 6, 2009
Clinical Secret...Helped my daughter with strong underarm BO...By far the best stuff on the market. It's about double the price of regular deodorant, but gave my daughter back a LOT of her confidence...Can't put a price on that!
   — .Anita R.

March 7, 2009
I did some research into the "why" behind body odor. It's bacterial. You can do two things. You can wash your underarms with baking soda water, and you can apply a mineral crystal which you moisten with water and rub on your arm pits. Neither of these contains toxic chemicals which are absorbed into your body like the anti-perspirant or typical chemical deodorant. You WILL sweat, which is normal and healhty. But you won't smell, which is what you want to avoid. If you're concerned about your health and not just your weight, give this a try. It works in my house!
   — Ruth Shapovalov

March 13, 2009
I have been able to go deoderant free for many years. The main reason is I am a regular swimmer. The chlorine or other chemical in the water kills the bateria that is in your sweat. When I can't swim, I use a body wash that is antibacterial. There are lots of them on the market. I use Dial Antibacterial Body Wash. It works for me. There have been times when I did neither, and I got BO back under my arms and not even deoderant could help. I swear by swimming and antibacterial body wash. Good Luck, Paula B.
   — paulajaneb

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