Is there anything I can do before surgery to help with excess skin?

I figure I will be losing about 130lbs and I am 39, so my skin isn't as young as it once was....I have noticed some people have almost no excess skin any suggestions?    — freakiechick10 (posted on October 3, 2009)

October 3, 2009
About the only things I can think of are to keep well moisturized and to be sure to exercise as you lose the weight. There are many factors that influence how much excess skin you will have. Everything from your how much you your very own genetic composition. Some people just have more elasticity than others. It's the luck of the draw, pretty much. Just take care of yourself and, above all, EXERCISE. That is about the only proactive thing you CAN do to help lessen the amount of loose skin you will have. Good luck!
   — PaulaJ

October 4, 2009
According to my surgeon, once we reach the age of 35, our skin begins to loose its elasticity. The previous answer was basically right. As a physical therapist, I can tell you that exercise has many benefits. It will improve your cardiovascular fitness, will help decrease depression, and will improve you energy level and stamina throughout the day. The increased muscle gained from exercise will help your body burn more fat (even at rest) than it would burn with an equal amount of fat. To some degree it will help with lessening the appearance of excess skin. Basically, you'll be filling up some of the extra "space" with attractive, healthy muscle tone. This will help, but the amount of excess skin you are left with will be individual to you. I have lost 110 pounds and even though I have areas of excess skin, it is in hidden places. I can wear shorts, short sleeve/sleeveless tops, etc. and no one really notices. Stripped down to nothing, you will definitely see it, but I still look 100% better than I did fat. I had WLS for my health, and am so thrilled with the improvement of my life (I feel 20 years younger), that it just doesn't matter to me. I think I look really "cute" in clothes again, and love my new and improved life. I hope this helps. God Bless.
   — KimM

October 4, 2009
I am 45 and had surgery at 44..I have some excess skin, but nothing bothers me more than the wrinkles I have in my face..not extra skin, just no fat to plump up the lines! Beleive me, excess skin is a small price to pay for heath and feeling good! hugs<kim
   — gpcmist

October 5, 2009
Work on building your core muscles before surgery. This will make recovery easier and you will haveless hanging skin after.
   — trible

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