Has anyone????

Has anyone that has had a RNY been on a liquid diet during christmas. Did anyone cheat and have a couple bites. If so did it cause any problems when you had your surgery. I know someone that had a couple of bites of turkey, stuffing and mashed potatoes and their surgery was fine.    — cuppaloopy (posted on December 24, 2009)

December 24, 2009
Why cheat? if you do so now, nothing will prevent you from doing this in the future. This surgery is merely a tool, you've heard of "someone that had a couple of bites of turkey, stuffing and mashed potatoes and their surgery was fine" well there are peopoe who've had this surgery and made it to their goal weight & gained every pound back and some. This liquid diet is to ensure your surgery is as complication free as possible. Everyone is different what's "fine" for one patient, maynot be for you. Could be the difference between lapriscopic & open surgery. If you think the liquid diet is hard, wait until everyday you are needing to make the right choices.
   — marksgirl

December 24, 2009
The poster is so correct, why cheat? If being on a liquid diet will allow you to have your surgery done lapriscopically (SP), well then I say, stick to the program. When I had my surgery I stuck to it and had a very smooth surgery.
   — FSUMom

December 24, 2009
Although I do agree with the other posters I must say that I did cheat. it depends on how close to your date you are. I had one day where I ate a real lunch just so I wouldn't have to explain everthing to the poeple I work with since they did not know I was having surgery. I ate a lean salad and some turkey at a company party and I was fine but it was a full week before my surgery. I wouldn't recommend it but it won't hurt you as long as you are not to close to your surgery date.
   — phyllismmay

December 24, 2009
Guys I never said I was going to cheat. I was just stating a fact and asking a question. Thanks for the advice.
   — cuppaloopy

December 24, 2009
hi i had my surgery on the 14 of dec and was on liquid two weeks before and have been on for two weeks after hacd have wonted anything to eat and doing fine oh you will be just fine, i will be praying for you.
   — holyman4755

December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas!! I had my RNY on 12/10 and could not sit in the same room as everyone on Christmas Eve because there was sooooo much food. I did a lot of baking for the holiday but kept telling myself that I had to learn a new way. Tempted-oh yes!! Pasta, cookies, pizza, kielbasa. Hard, but so was the surgery and I don't want to mess this up. Keep picturing in my head how great I will look at Christmas next year!
   — Cynthia T.

December 25, 2009
I had my RNY 12/16 and I opted out of the Holiday today, mostly due to not feeling that great at the beginning of the day and because I could not picture myself sitting in the other room sipping on a protein drink while everyone else ate. By next year I anticipate this will be much easier. Being fresh out of the gate I couldn't do it. The possibility of throwing up would also be enough of a deterant. You don't say though if you are Post Op or Pre Op.. I was only on a liquid diet one day prior to my surgery and nothing after midnight. Seems like every surgeon has a different requirement on that. Good luck to you in whatever phase you are in! It's a touch decision but I'm proud of you for making it.
   — Fogg1958

December 28, 2009
I think if people know they will cheat and want to eat during the holidays, then I would suggest that the surgery be postponed until after the new year. The liquid diet is to shrink your liver and to remove some of the fat from your intestines pre op. I think having a weight loss surgery that is scheduled around the holidays is a huge issue for people, and that may cause depression and perhaps trigger an eating binge. If you cheat on a pre op diet, then what is to say you won't cheat on the post op liquid diet when you need to have only liquids in order for your pouch to heal. I think only you can answer that. Best wishes to you.
   — Kristy

December 30, 2009
The two weeks prior to surgery i lost 19 pounds, i had tough times, I did have a piece of cheese when i was really struggling and my surgery went great.
   — MarthaJ0110

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