My husband is contemplating on having surgery in Mexico with Dr. Kurri.

Is there anyone who has had surgery with him.I would like to know if surgery was successful what kind of support they found after surgery.    — lionettes (posted on January 1, 2010)

January 1, 2010
Before you consider going out of the country for surgery, make sure you have a surgeon here who you can follow up with. I personally would not want to go out of the country then come back with no way for support or any doctor that you can follow up with. I would just really look at any decision like that.
   — Dawn A.

January 1, 2010
Amen! Surgery is only the beginning. It is not the end. It is only the beginning. IF you do not have a quality support group and quality surgeon and quality primary care physician as well as a quality nutritionist who are ALL well-briefed in ALL the nuances of nutrition for folks who have bariatric surgery, and all these folks well-versed in working for the rest of their lifetime with you in your lifetime, anyone who contemplates surgery outside of the United States will be in for a very rude awakening: shunned by all professionals. And, those who will work with you are not those who are quality. I am a support group leader and coach and speak from my own observations of the real world in my neck of the woods. I know it is tempting; but, I even have one person in my own support group whose decision about which surgeon would do her surgery was determined by who had a practice close to her. We all begged her to reconsider and go to one who operates about an hour or more away from where she lives. That surgery was 1 1/2 years ago. The other day she said, "I am so sorry I went to Dr. X. This has been an expensive disaster for me." And, she didn't even go outside of the United States. For those who go outside of the United States, it is common knowledge that there is no support for them. Yet, Dr. "X" will work with those folks. Do you want to have surgery with Dr. "X"? Maybe Dr. Kurri is just fine. But, unless you live 1 mile from him in Mexico, really check out what options are available to you for life-time support from all those I enumerated in my first run-on sentence. My own investigation shows there are very few surgeons who remain with you for the rest of your lifetime. That is why it is critical that your primary care physician also be most knowledgeable about your husband's specialized needs. Also, you as well as your husband will need to know more than the surgeons. What efforts are you expending to become knowledgeable on all aspects of this life-changing surgery? My blessings to you and your husband helping you to make a good decision which will benefit you in the long-run. May God be very gracious to you. Christine Gibson, MS, MA, Bariatric University Support Group Coach, Obesity Help Support Group Leader, Obesity Help Support Group Coach,
   — Christine Gibson

January 1, 2010
As far as the surgery it was a piece of cake, however, I have been having so many problems with throwing up, not eating and constipation. I have been to the ER twice already, 2 upper GI's and an endoscopy. I would think very carefully before going to Mexico. My two cents
   — FSUMom

January 3, 2010
I had surgery On Aug 14 2009 .And i went to Mexico,piedras Negras, mexico The Doctor name was Dr Guillermo Alvarez. and he is great, I would go back again. Thank you kay bower
   — kaybower

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