Any advice or comments from men who have had the surgery.

Hi there. I am two weeks away from surgery and have been reading up. All of your comments have been inspiring and calming. Is there any difference in a male having the surgery. Any different concerns or recovery issues. I know this might sound like a stupid question but I was wondering. Surgery is scheduled for Sept 16, 1999    — David M. (posted on September 3, 1999)

September 3, 1999
My husband had a distal gastric bypass 10/95. He lost 110 lbs in 4 months. (I'm 10/94, but a girl, so my stats don't count for your question!) Take a GOOD protein supplement or you will be without muscle. Men lose it SO fast that the muscle is GONE before you know it. Start as soon as your doctor allows and do NOT miss a single day. My husband could not dump our trash or lift a 40 lb sack of dog food after 2 months!
   — vitalady

September 3, 1999
Men seem to do a little better in my experience. Their metabolism is a little higher so they lose weight faster. Their level of exercise is on average a little more than the women. Its too bad that more morbidly obese men do not choose surgery It does work well for them.
   — Bruce B.

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