how do you deal with surgery being post pone my surgery was scheduled for next

week but has been postponed to the begining of oct because the doc was over booked for surgery my original date! meanwhile i had arranged for my mother to fly hear getting here monday to watch the kids while i'm in the hospital and my best frien took off work to stay at the hospital with me now this is messing me all up can anyone give me any suggestions?    — [Anonymous] (posted on September 6, 2001)

September 6, 2001
Did you explain your situation and your plans to your doctor? Maybe if they understand all of the arrangements you have made they will postpone someone else's surgery and keep yours for that day. Good Luck
   — [Anonymous]

September 6, 2001
Unfortunately, this happens all the time. Mine got changed twice. I had a friend who was in the same situation as you and she insisted they work her in because there was no way her mother could reschedule. They finally gave in. Be aggressive!
   — Angela B.

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