I'm wanting to know if anyone could tell me what a revision is?

because I've already had rny and gained back 70lbs and now weigh in at 220, can I have a revision done? what do they do? and anyone whos had one I like to know what you had to do..... thanks    — dakota (posted on December 25, 2005)

December 25, 2005
A revision is where the surgeon goes in to correct mechanical problem that is causing weight gain post WLS. For example, if you had an old stomach stapling and started gaining weight due to the staples pulling out, you might have a revision to a roux-en-Y. If your pouch was originally made too large, or you don't have the restrictiveness of the the outlet at the anastamosis, so that food just shoots through, you might be able to have those problems corrected surgically. But, if you have gained weight back and there is nothing wrong with your pouch, and everything is working fine, you probably won't be a candidate for a revision. You first need to examine why you have gained weight back. It is entirely possible to eat yourself back up to a pre-surgery weight if you don't pay attention to diet and exercise. Any surgeon you might go to about a revision will likely want to know exactly what you have been eating and how much, and also how much you have been exercising and what efforts you have made to try and lose the weight. You may possibly have a chance to have a revision to a DS after an RNY.
   — koogy

December 26, 2005
I'm 2 years post op and was wondering why I had not been losing any weight for the past year I had basically been maintaing my weight. No loss or gain, but withing the past 6 months I had gained 14 pounds and lost two of those. When I went to my initial physician he said I didn't need a revision. I sought out a second opinion, he did an endoscopy and found that 1-my pouch was not initially made small enough, 2-I had formed a fistula that caused my large intestine to grow into the portion of my stomach that was not being used and lastly, I have leakage. So needless to say my insurance has approved my revision which will be this week. I was a little afraid at first but now I'm pretty cool with it. Maybe your doctor needs to look inside to see exactly what is going on with you.
   — MsLovely

December 26, 2005
Or, you can get revised to a different surgery. Read this:
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 27, 2005
A revision is a new surgery. I was revised due to mechanical break down. No danger to my immediate health, except the potential for 100% regain. Some are revised because their chosen surgery type was not right for them. Some people have had surgeries that were not done correctly. There are many reasons. Depends upon which doctor you ask for revision and the insurance company as to whether you can revise your surgery that way. Your doctor is not listed, but I know of several people from your area who have been revised, but gone out of state to do it.
   — vitalady

December 30, 2005
Are you sure you need a revision? Did the doctor said you need to have a revision? Did you have a 2nd opinion? How about your eating habits? Are you following the nutrionist instrutions on what to eat, how much to eat and when to eat? Having the revision is not always the answer. You will gain some weight back again if you don't watch what and how much you eat. Proper eating is an important part of maintaining your goal weight after the initial surgery and after the revision if you need it.
   — Dani96

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