Please Help me!!

This is not something is normally posted here, but I have no where else to turn, or to ask. Going to try to be short and to the point. Recently had GBS for many reasons, one to help very chronic back pain. Been taking oxycontin for degenerative back disease and herniated discs pressing on spinal cord and cyotic nerves. Husband in military, we had to move to remote, believe me remote, area with less than reliable health care, the military base soes not even have hospital, have to travel 70 miles to nearest Gastric Surgeon for follow ups, sometimes cannot make it becae of severe snow and road closings. I cannot get my pain medication now!! The Pharmacy at the base does not even CARRY the medication!! I have been in severe pain and cannot keep things down becaue in pain and throw up alot, and other times feel so bad I do not even want to eat. Basicallu feel like I am wasting oxygen most days. Lord knows I just want to stop hurting and have one day of normallacy. I cannot even take care of the little things or important things like my child and husband. Does ANYONE know of a reliable online pharmacy that will not scam, as since I cannot work inccome is limited. Any response or help would be appreciated and prayed for. Please help and Thank you.    — leahrobinson (posted on January 18, 2006)

January 17, 2006
You're isolated and very frustrated-- and, to top it all off, you have lost a valuable coping mechanism (in losing food). Plus, being in pain dulls your coping mechanisms further. Just asking if its pain meds you need to have delivered because the base pharmacy is limited, of if there may be something else motivating you to seek more meds than you've been prescribed. No one can judge any one else's pain-- whether physical or emotional-- many of us have been where you are (in one sense or another), feeling trapped by our decision, isolated from an old source of comfort and looking for anything to make us feel better so that we can function as we believe we did before surgery. If it helps, it does get better-- new coping strategies are learned, weight loss success breeds confidence and a new vitality enters our lives. But it is not always an easy road, particulary if you are battling chronic pain along the way. Listen, there are lots of mail order prescription services-- particularly if you already have the script. But, there is only one you-- one mother to you child, one wife to your husband. Good luck.
   — SteveColarossi

January 17, 2006
The military that provides you prescription coverage should provide some sort of mail order service for you. check into it. This should help you deal with the remote areas.
   — Michelle E.

January 17, 2006
Leah, first of all, I can totally sympathize with your pain. I amalso on lots of pain meds for my back, have had 2 surgeries, and need another....some problems with the foraminal stenosis (compression of the nerves in the spine). I do not take oxyconten. I take Loratab 10. (2 every 4 hours, as needed). I also take Flexeril (3 times a day). My best friend has Fibromyalgia (sp?), and she takes oxyconten...and has for many, many years. If you would like me to, I can get information from her. ?? I know she uses a certain pharmacy here, in Dallas, but she has been through the ringer trying to find someone to fill it, and them changing it, etc. But I can see where she is getting it now, and if they can recommend a by-mail pharmacy. I hope things get worked out for you. How long ago did you have the surgery? I have another friend that is on disability for her back, and she had WLS done, and within several months her pain level was down considerably. I hope this happens with you, and me. I know how desperate you can feel when you are in pain, but keep reaching out for help, and if you need someone to talk to, please email me [email protected] No one can understand pain, unless they have suffered from pain on a day-in-day-out basis, with no relief. Believe me, I understand. For me it has been 5 years. of luck to you. I pray all goes well. If you need/want to, please contact me. God bless, Sandra
   — Sandra.M

January 17, 2006
You might want to try here. Once ordered, they are quick in sending the order. Good Luck. Normie
   — Normie

January 17, 2006
Hi Leah. We are military too. My husband is active duty, been in for 14 years. I feel for you that you have to travel way too far to see a doctor! That is unacceptable. Call Tricare/ Healthnet 877-874-2273, tell them where you are stationed and tell them your situation. I would hope they could help. I do know there is a mail-in prescription plan that is covered through Tricare. You could ask about that too. I also know that if you have to travel more than 60 miles Tricare has to reimburse you gas money. You can ask them about that too. You can also go to and look around. Maybe that will have some answers for you. Hang in there. I am praying for you. I also have degenerative back disease. I was in pain ALL THE TIME before WLS! I mean 24 hours I was hurting like you know what. My hips, knees, wrists, and ankles were always inflammed. My discs used to spasm and hit the cyotic nerve too and boom, instant pain so bad that I would SCREAM! I was MISERABLE! The good news is Leah, I am not in any pain at all anymore. Honestly, I have NO PAIN. Once in a while I can feel my lower discs get achy but nothing like it used to be prior to WLS. I do not take any pain meds anymore. In 5 1/2 months I have lost over 110 pounds and have gone below my goal weight. I went from 260 to 145. I have not felt this good in many years. This will happen to you too. When the weight comes off, little by little, the pain fades away. It makes sense when I think about it- I lost a small person (110 pounds). There is only so much our bodies can take and prior to surgery I basically did not do much. Now I am out and about. I have 3 kids 14, 11 and 11 and I play sports with them and sit on the floor and play games (my back used to spasm so bad from that prior to WLS). I am out all the time with my hubby. I am full of self esteem. We have weekly dates we go on. I am happier, nicer to live with. The reason I am telling you this is because I NEVER thought I would feel this way prior to my surgery. NEVER!!! I wanted to share this with you because there is hope that your pain will go away. You keep up the good work of losing weight and your pain will get better. I am glad you posted, that is what obesityhelp. com is for, to help you. If you want to e-mail me, my e-mail is on my profile. Let me know if the number or website works for you for Tricare. I can ask around for you, if you want. : ) God Bless, Jenna
   — jstatkus

January 17, 2006
Hi there I am from the same area as you please get ahold of me and we can talk. 1st of all yes Fort Drum does have a hospital. Please just e-mail me and maybe we can figure something out I am only about 15 min. from you [email protected].
   — NYCindy

January 17, 2006
Since you are a military dependant you have Tricare I assume. They have a mail order pharmacy program that you can access by going here. I hope this helps you. Tiffany
   — Tiff's On a Mission

January 17, 2006
sorry your in so much distress. First, the military provides prescriptions - they should have mail order. Certain do that doesnt matter how remote the mail gets thru. As far as followups to your gastric bypass. - you profile didnt say 'when' you had surgery. After you have been released from healting - any PCP can 'see' you you dont have to see the gastric surgeon for followup. If they have a medic he can do lap work. THe thing that struck me was you stated you were in pain and throwing up - if that is being caused by your WLS - it needs to be addressed - not covered up by pain meds. If you have a stricture it will only get worst; you really need to see someone for that even if it means going the 70 miles and be sure you don't have a stricture for sure - that can end you up in the hosptal. Certainly the military (or at least they use to use to have someone 'families' could call for help - maybe you could call them and see what they can do for help
   — star .

January 18, 2006
Leah- I just wanted to say I wish you luck. I hope the suggestions that all these fine people have made are helpful to you. Additionally, I've never heard of a pharmacy REFUSING to fill a perscription because they don't carry something. Did they say why they couldn't just ORDER it for you? Sometimes you have to be pushy, even though it's no fun. Mail order through Tricare sounds like a great option. I have express scripts through my insurance and it's GREAT and VERY VERY efficent and reliable. Best of luck to you in getting your issues addressed.

January 18, 2006
Check with your insurance company -- check on their website to see if they offer this service.
   — the7thdean

January 18, 2006
Hi Leah, been there and know how you feel. We were military too and have now retired. TriCare although Humana now will provide mail order prescriptions for you. My neighbor who is retired military gets his all the time. When you go to your next appt. talk to your health care provider and request that your referral paperwork be put in or call your local Tri-Care Service Center there. Good luck!
   — KenyaE

January 18, 2006
Here ya go!!! Similar situation here...where my medication would have cost me $120/month...I get it online for $25/month. Try I'm in MO and have been using them for months now...they are wonderful! Good Luck! Nicole
   — boonikki29

January 19, 2006
Leah, I know that everyone has been telling you about Tricare and their mailorder deal, but I don't think that they will fill a script for oxycontin through the mail. I worked for a non profit that dealt with veterans would dealt with the VA and got their meds through the mail and that is one of the meds that they wouldn't fill through the mail because they were afraid that people would find out about the mail orders and steal the meds. But do check out a orthopedist and see if they can get the meds for you some way. Call around and try to find someone who can help you on the base you are on. Go to the disabled vets or paralyzed vets or vietnam vets organizations and question them about how their members are receiving their meds in your area. You can't be the only one using this medication in your area. I know what that type of pain feels like and I am sure that you have heard all the bull before, but they have to have some type of program for chronic pain management. Anyone with spinal cord injury,cancer or any other serious debilitating illnesses have to have a means of securing oxycontin, a pain management clinic may even have options and combinations of meds that may give you at least a degree of relief from what you are going through. Good luck and God Bless--Debbie
   — imdebbie

January 19, 2006
Did you try to go thru the mail in pharmacy with try care. I know here they brag on it. Try on line to see if it is do able. is the site. good luck.
   — msgief

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