Scheduled for Lap RNY on Monday march 27th and have a few last minute questions????

ok I have to ask, suggestion's on what to take to the hospital? Also I won't have access to my computer until I come back to work on April 24th so if anyone has any advise or suggestion's for the first 4 weeks after surgery, things you wish you knew about ahead of time? Any advice or personal experiance is greatly appreciated and very welcome!!!!! So anyone have anything to say about there first few weeks to tide me over until i can get back to this site would be great!!!!    — HAILEY (posted on March 22, 2006)

March 22, 2006
GET OUT AND GET MOVING AS SOON AS YOUR IN YOUR ROOM! This minimzes bloodclot risks. Visit a public library near your home and let us know how you are doing! Dont wait a month! Congrats WLS was the best decision I EVER made!
   — bob-haller

March 22, 2006
Bring some slippers to walk the halls in. Oh and as embarrassing as it is, it is very difficult to whipe your own butt after, however the lady next to me told me to ask for some tongs..heheh sounds funny but if you ask for some tongs it spares you the embarrasment of having staff wipe your rear. stick the paper in the end it gives you the extra two inches you need..hehe i know its sound terrible but it was a life saver. For when you get home I would prepare pureed food aswell. If you take small portions from dinners till then and grin them you can put them in a ice cube tray one ice cube is 1table spoon its pretty handy. then you can pop them out and heat them up as you need them. Best Wishes and Good Luck. Feel free to email if you ever have any questions [email protected] Sarah
   — sweber111

March 22, 2006
Hi Hailey. I am three weeks post op and I asked a similar question to this right before my surgery too. I didn't get a lot of responses but I do have some suggestions that you might want to do. Go and buy different sugar free things such as pudding, jello, popsicles and a few cream soups. You won't want to do this after surgery for a few days. I also prepared a living will and durable power of attorney for health care. Also, take pictures from every side with as little clothing on as possible (for your own use) and with a favorite outfit so that you can compare it later on. Take your measurements - every area you can measure do it. A couple of weeks after surgery when you get a little discouraged taking your measurements again will give you a huge boost of determination. As for the hospital. I didn't have any trouble wiping pre-op but if you do the tongs are great because you get really uncomfortable twisting. I took my own pillow and then requested two from the hospital. I would put one under my head and then one each under my arms so they wouldn't hang down. I also took a robe and slippers. I took a book to read and read every night (but I am a passionate reader). One of the best things I took was one of those xlarge ziploc bags (or a grocery bag) to carry my stuff in when I was released. The pillow also helps on the ride home. Remember to ask for pain reliever just before your release, it will help on the ride home. I hope this helps you. Just know that it will be okay and you will do fine. God bless you in this journey.
   — jeanfergus

March 22, 2006
First of all, don't become invested in the roll of a "sick person" after surgery. As stated before - get moving! The sooner, the better, the more, the better. Don't forget to take lip balm (hospital air is notoriously dry). Slippers you can slip your feet into without having to reach down, and non-slip soles. Send your purse with everything in it home. I only took my insurance card and my driver's license (picture ID) and left everything else at home, and gave those two items to my husband after I was checked in. At home - my two most important items were the Mini-Cuisenart (sp?) for making pureed food, and my electric coffee cup warmer - perfect for keeping things warm while I slowly but surely ate the foods I was supposed to. As for the hospital - leave all your valuables at home. If you get moving, you won't be there more than 2 days, so don't drag a lot of stuff along. Just some toiletries and so forth. You aren't going on vacation. Don't forget comfortable, non-binding clothes to wear home. I took home an extra 15 lbs of fluid, and my skin felt 2 sizes too small. Glad I had loose pants and a loose shirt to wear home. Oh, yeah, I had packed my "after surgery" bag and left that locked in the trunk of the car. After I was on my way to surgery, I had my husband take the bag with my belongings to the car, and bring back the small bag I packed for after surgery, so it was with him when they took me to my room, and I didn't have to worry about anything getting lost as they moved me around in the hospital. Good luck and hope all goes well!
   — koogy

March 22, 2006
Ditto everything said. For a soap and shampoo I used the Johnson & Johnson all in one and it was liquid and gentle on the skin. It was easier to take to the shower. The only thing I wish I would have done different was filled the prescription for the liquid pain medication. I was given it one time at the hospital during the day and refused anymore after that due to the groggy feeling. I really needed it for sleeping but if you chose or forget you will survive, I did. On buying food buy a small amount for the sugar free items and anything else or freeze the items in the freezer as suggested it is unbelievable how little it takes to survive. I did pack a book and magazines but due to pain medication was unable to stay up for very long. Since I was single and didn't want friends at the hospital I had a large bag with everything in it but if you can just pack what you think you need and keep it in the car or have it taken home it is one less thing to worry about. I wore the same outfit to the hospital that I wore home since I knew I would be in it less than an hour before surgery-big and baggy and easy to put on. I also had slide on sneakers. Before the surgery admit I cleaned my shelves of things I knew I would no longer be able to eat. It helped me break the habit of always looking in the cabinets for something to eat since I know what I can't eat. Being single, I also did a major house cleaning i.e. empty garbage cans in the house, catch up on laundry and put away. I tend to get bored when I have nothing to do and this keep me from doing stuff around the house that I shouldn't do during recovery and let me walk when ever I felt bored. I wish I had had some of the suggestions (freeze portions of pureed items) for myself. Since I was unable to read or watch TV I walked in the hospital in the morning, noon, and night which helped more than anything. Good Luck and don't stress about the small stuff.
   — 1968 Loser

March 22, 2006
Hey there!!! First of all Congrats on making the most important decision for your health. I am now 1 month post-op and I feel wonderful. I had surgery on Feb. 20 and got out of the hospital on the 22nd , went back to work Feb.27. If you have a secretarial job and don't really have to lift you might ba able to return to work if you feel up to it. With the laproscopic bypass your recovery time is much quicker than one with an open procedure. If you look at my stomach now you wouldnt even be able to tell I had the procedure. I lost 25 lbs the 1st 2 weeks and will be going back next week for an update. I am so excited for you. As far as what you will need for the hospital I took a robe and slippers, your regular toiletries. The first 2 weeks post-op I pretty much ate alot of sugar free jello and pudding as well as popsicles and my protein shakes. The most important thing is to get enough fluids those first few weeks. If you have any other questions that you can think of please feel free to email me. I am here for ya. Good Luck!!!
   — almcdowell

March 23, 2006
Hey Congrats on your surgery date. I agree with all the other posters. I personally used a wooden spoon instead of tongs, a definite life saver, I also bought mylecon drops, it is anti gas meds for babies. this helped with the gas after surgery during recovery at home. I brought a list of phone numbers with me, in case I felt like talking to someone, with them written down I didn't have to think real hard (the pain meds made my memory a little fuzzy). Bring a large safety pin, or ask the nurses for one, so you can attach the drain to your gown or a lanyard, makes it easier for the walking. I also took antibacterial hand lotion, in case I couldn't get up to wash my hands. LOL....okay good luck and keep us posted. Lisa hackenburg 340+/172/???
   — Lisa H.

March 25, 2006
Hey Hailey - First off congratulations on your upcoming surgery! Exciting huh?! I am only 1 week post op so my advise is pretty raw. My best friend in the hospital were my furry slippers and robe, along with some short night gowns. It gave me sense of home and comfort. I also had my surgery Lap, and as much as it may be difficult to get up you must get up as soon as you can. I had mine on Thursday, and was up walking by Saturday. Walk as much as you can!!! It will help your recovery SO much. Oh, and don't let your pain get out of control. You have pain meds for a reason. Too much pain could hinder your recovery efforts. When you get home protien shakes, sugar free popcicles (A MUST), pureed foods, Jello, and Pudding would be a great start. I found the colder the food, the more soothing it feels. Popcicles are really a great way to get liquids in and feel really good going down. If you have any questions or just need a friend to talk to don't hesitate to EMail me! Good luck and God bless! This will all work out just fine for you! - Kristine ( [email protected] )
   — kristine76

March 26, 2006
buy a nice used computer, dont need much to surf the net, the bargain pakage ones will be fine.
   — walter A.

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