What are the best ways to loose weight pre surgery?

I had the RNY in 06 and I didn't need to loose 10 % of my body weight before surgery. But I did need to do the pre surgery stuff. It has been so long ago, I don't remember. So I was wondering if anyone has a good pre surgery weight lose plan. My friend is planning on having surgery and she is trying to loose weight but having a hard time. Her doctor wants her to loose 25 lbs and she has lost 7 lbs. But needs a little boost. Thanks in advance for all of your help.    — Kristy (posted on August 29, 2007)

August 29, 2007
some doctors recommend liquid diets like slim fast, medifast or optifast.
   — Sheri A.

August 29, 2007
I eat 30 grams of fat, 60-75 grams fo protein, and 60-75 grams of carbs. I lost 16 pounds first month aNd around 10 pounds month after that. I also exercise 4-5 times a week for 30-45 minutes in a pool due to my arithris. Iam 200 pounds over weight so I plan on losing more than 50 pounds in my 6 month pre-opt diet to bring down my bmi.
   — RealRobin

August 29, 2007
The liquid diet is a good way to lose weight. My cousin lost 25 lbs in 2 weeks prior to her surgery. Blend up creamy soups, jello, popsicles, water, and chicken broth. Hope this helps.
   — kbcelliott

August 29, 2007
I agree with the others about the liquid diet. Also, my doctor recommended a protein drink (like Atkins) twice a day and one high protein meal once a day. Also, your friend should check with her doctor and/or nutritionist for more recommendations if she needs a little boost...they might have some additional helpful suggestions. GOOD LUCK to her !!!
   — AngelaC.

August 30, 2007
My doctor was good. He told me to cut out all pop (even diet, all artifical sweetners, etc. Drink only water and Green Tea. I ate two pcs of 12 grain toast (no butter) with 2 eggs and skim milk non fat cheese (done in the micro) Lunch was something low fat like cottage cheese and soup. Dinner was mostly stir fry's (made with water not oil) I did weat large quantities, but no fat, sweetners etc. It was very boring, but I didn't go hungry! Good Luck!! Shelley K
   — shelleyjean39

August 30, 2007
I had to see my doc for a 6mo supervised diet so I asked her to send me to weight watchers. I had to make up my mind to write everything down. In the 5mos since I have been going, I have lost 30lbs and still going. It helps to allow myself a major cheat every so often..not every week though. WW never worked for me before though because I wasnt committed to doing what I needed to do for however long. Good luck with whatever you do. BTW I also use protein drinks at least 1x a day. It helps with the hunger and also makes me feel good. Exercise as much as you are able Jan
   — jayme1943

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