Pre-Op Protein Diet and Starving!!

I have been on this diet for a couple days and have fallen victom once to temptation. I have three kids and live with my in-laws, so I can't just throw everything in the frig out. I'm allowed 4 protein shakes a day. Is there anything other then Protein Bars (which I eat two a day) that will keep me from feeling like I'm starving?    — Amanda Kirby (posted on December 7, 2007)

December 7, 2007
If you go to some nutritional stores, there may be some items of help. I bought some dehydrated peas the other day. Cost was $1.35 per pound. I bought 2 pounds which was quite a large bag. Dehydrated peas are crunchy, and 1/4 cup has 6 grams of protein. There are dried soybeans and pumpkin seeds also, but I do not recall their protein value.
   — Dave Chambers

December 7, 2007
I don't know if it was cheating but... When I did my 3 week protein diet I had carrot sticks and celery. I figured it had no calories , not nutritional value almost 0 cals. I was able to keep my intake to 700 cals a day and 60 gr of protein. To be safe... check with your NUT. I was able to lose 22 pounds in 20 days. Good luck.
   — VA_Bill

December 8, 2007
Usually you're allowed all you want of clear liquids, right? I just got my preop diet, and learned from others that the starving feeling goes away after a few days. Also, they found SF popsicles and Jello to be helpful. Congratulations, and good luck!
   — obeseforever

December 8, 2007
My Lap Band Surgery is this Wednesday 12/12 and I had 11 days to lose 15 lbs. I want this procedure to go smoothly and so I have had clear fluids and have 1.8 lbs left to lose. SF hard candy, sugar free gum, vegetable broth and juices have kept me happy, not to mention it's cleaned out my system. Focus on your goal, rethink why you are doing this, possibly not be at the table when a meal is served. Take a walk to escape the smell or read through the net and enjoy the success stories. Sooner than you'll be there! Hang in there, you can do it!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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