I had my surg in 9 years ago now i have gained 70 pounds how do i get back on track

and what should i eat to get started?    — cindalu (posted on February 23, 2009)

February 22, 2009
Cindy sorry to hear that you gained. Did you save you food log from when you had your surgery? Don't you think you should go back to your Dr. who done the surgery or a baratric surgeon so they could evaluate your problem? I would think the pouch is stretched and or could have other problems. A Note to anyone starting to gainin my opinion would be stop it or get help before it gets out of hand. Good luck to you.
   — Eneleh

February 23, 2009
Hello! I had my surgery 5 1/2 years ago and I packed on 30 pounds. I started counting calories, making sure I drank at least 8 glasses of water each day and writing down everything I eat. I also starte excercising more. I lost 8 pounds in the first month. Good luck to you!
   — Carlyn M.

February 23, 2009
I say attend a support group. It'll help you get motivated to do all of the above. :-)
   — slimcolagirl

February 23, 2009
wow 9 years ago. Didn't know they did it back then. I'd start out with simple soft proteins, like the second stage of foods after surgery. and progress from there. maybe measure out the food amounts. I still measure out my fodds to make sure I don't over eat. Good luck and God Bless! hugs, Kim
   — gpcmist

February 24, 2009
I think that it's not so much what your should eat, but what you shouldn't eat that might be what you need to focus on. You shouldn't eat fried foods, trans fats, sugar simple carbs. You should seek help from a registered dietician with WLS knowledge at this point and you should get a full work up of labs and make sure you are healthy, first, before you start any diet. I wish you much luck, but at this stage you really need to see professionals to check you out completely.
   — .Anita R.

February 24, 2009
Go to Kaye Bailey had wls and came up with this method of getting people back on track. You can do this!
   — mpoole5712

February 24, 2009
Go to Kaye Bailey had wls and came up with this method of getting people back on track. You can do this!
   — mpoole5712

February 26, 2009
I understand. I am 5 years post op and have gained 40 of the 100 I lost. The 5 day pouch test does work! But remember, what you are going through is much more mental with a physical result. You are probably talking yourself into eating when you are not hungry. I know that is happening to me a lot. The thought of a gob of french fries is too appealing. We need to figure out what we are replacing with food...or better yet, we need to treat ourselves like we would treat a child and just say "NO!" If you have to, talk outloud to yourself. Even though it is discouraging to gain, I am finding out that it is equally amazing at how fast it comes off if you concentrate on it-even a little. Good luck to both of us. Summer is coming.....let's do it now!
   — Gboat

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