Can I make it stop?

Im not hungry, ever!!! Amazing right?? Why does my head want to eat 24/7?? I wake up and think of food, im bored and think of food, before bed i think of food... you get the point Im sure... Is there any kind of medication or over the counter pill to just make my head stop??? I know this is all mental!!! Also, when i should stop eating, do i stop? No... I dont make myself sick but I cant get a grip!! Im soo mad at myself!! Im going to sabotage myself and I dont want too!!!! Im ready to cry!! Help!!! Im only 7months post op and i dont want to ruin this!! (please dont use the nutritionist solution or tell me to see my surgeon, those arent options right now - i dont have a nutritionist as i saw one with a different surgoen and the surgeon i had surgery with only see's patients on days i cant get of work)    — LauraMarie (posted on June 15, 2009)

June 15, 2009
head hunger and habit. it is a difficult thing to overcome. the otc medication is actually going to get your goat, but it is work. you just need to work, keep so busy that you do not have time to think about food.
   — Katherine A.

June 15, 2009
this is a problem most all of us face sooner rather than later.I finally saw a mental health person (physcolagist)in order to get to the root of "why I ate" it is an addiction and needs treatment.Once i got in touch with the root problem i was able to change it.I would never have figured it out on my own.I actually started this path maybe 25 to 30 yrs before i had the surgery.If $$$ are a hinderance to getting this help look at your local mental health services.they accept payment based on income.Do u attend a support group?Other people walking the same path are a great source of help and encourgement.Its hard work but doable,good luck
   — Bette Drecktrah

June 15, 2009
I had to get counseling before I was OK'd for surgery. It was a great help. Call some of your local churches and ask if they know of any assistance programs that you can contact, they might be able to point you in the right direction. May God Bless You Abundantly!
   — KathieV

June 15, 2009
I made myself a routine...3 meals a day and no snacking. If I thought I was hungry in between I drank. It takes time and patience and disipline. Best of luck to you!! Hugs,kim
   — gpcmist

June 15, 2009
My psych told me about overeaters anonymous support group. It really helps with the mental and emotional eating habits. More importantly it may help you understand why and where the problem is coming from. Google it and see if there is a support group in your area. Good luck.
   — Meeky

June 15, 2009
Laura, I agree with all of the posters here. As you so rightly state, this IS emotional -- but then again, most of us didn't eat ourselves into morbid obesity in the first place because we were calm, rational human beings. We ate because we were happy, because we were sad, because we were mad, because we were hurt, because it was Tuesday and it wasn't raining, because we couldn't fit through the turnstile, because it was the thirtieth anniversary of the day our dog died ... you get the drift here. We ate because we didn't want to feel anything, because feelings are dangerous. After surgery it may take quite a while for your head to catch up with the rest of you -- I presume you didn't become morbidly obese in seven months, so the cure is going to take at least that long. Overeaters Anonymous is a good suggestion, as is finding a therapist and perhaps some anti-anxiety meds if this truly is becoming obsessive. Try writing down the reason why you're thinking about food -- are you mourning the fact that you can't eat (insert massive amounts of favourite food here) anymore, or are you mad for the same reason? Are you beginning to remember things you'd rather forget (this happened to me, on and off, for about five years after my surgery in 2000) because you don't have the crutch of food anymore? I'd make an appointment with your GP and see if you can't get referred to a therapist of some kind (don't let him/her prescribe you anti-anxiety meds; you need a therapist for that) and look up your local OA or WLS support group. Blessings,
   — Cheryl Denomy

June 16, 2009
My doctor told me about a book called "Mindless Eating" and suggested I get it and read it. I haven't yet but he said that he highly recommends it.
   — Lisa von Wallmenich

June 16, 2009
Head hunger is a terrible thing. That is why we are all having weight lose surgery because of head hunger. Don't let it win. Keep up the fight. I did this for head hunger: When cooking, I wouldn't eat the food but I would take a spoon of sauce or liquid from the pan, and put my finger in the liquid and taste it. I still got to taste what it was and I tricked my head into thinking I ate. So, taste the liquid of your food you cook, but please don't eat the food (you might eat the wrong food or too much) The smell of cooking also helped. That is what I missed too, was the smell of food. I don't know why but that helped. Drink water, that could be that you are thirsty. Just eat until your pouch feels full not real full, you can always go back to it later to eat more. Just a little at a time. This is the hardest part about WLS is learning how to control your head hunger. The fact that you know it is all in your head is a wonderful thing. Don't let it win. Beat it.
   — Kristy

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