Stomach Muscles

Im 3 months post op & have lost 6olbs...i just joined a gym & hired a personal trainer because i wanna tone up but im concerned about using my stomach muscles...Is it ok at this point to use my stomach muscles?    — BLAKROZ06 (posted on June 27, 2009)

June 27, 2009
I don't see why it would be a problem. Contact your surgeon's office for an official answer.
   — therese H.

June 28, 2009
You should check with your surgeon to be released for this - it will depend on type of surgery as well. I was released at 4 weeks, but I had lap VGS. Congrats! You are doing great.
   — Wendy M.

June 28, 2009
I had open RNY and was told to wait 12 weeks before doing any weight lifting. I could do all the cardio I felt comfortable with, so I concentrated on that in the beginning.
   — Richbehr

June 28, 2009
Call your doctor to make sure, but mine released me at 3 months to do whatever I wanted. I work with a trainer and core muscles are the concentration. I am a little over 6 months out.
   — GingerKS

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