Once you are post-op can you sleep on tummy?

Hi, I was wondering if it is okay to sleep on your stomach after surgery? I will be having my surgery at the end of August and I have slept on my tummy for 30 yrs. I hope this won't be a problem.    — Vanessa C. (posted on March 3, 2006)

March 2, 2006
You want be sleeping on your tummy.... that is if your having the Open RnY... I dont have any idea how lap feels....I used to be a tummy sleeper... now Im a side sleeper.. good luck
   — Flo

March 2, 2006
Vanessa, I couldn't even sleep in bed for a month let alone on my tummy. You might be able to after a while but I do know that it won't be for a long time.I would get such a stomach ache just trying to sleep on my side and it would hurt my new tummy. I slept in a recliner for the first 4 weeks. Are you having open or Lap? I had open maybe Lap is different. Good Luck either "weigh"(pun intended) it's an awesome journey. Pam
   — sunnie

March 2, 2006
It took me about 2 weeks before I can sleep on a bed (had to use a recliner until then). And antoher 2 weeks before i can "comfortable" lay on my stomach, let alone sleep on my stomach. You may want to ween yourself from the tummy sleeping and try sleeping on your side. -cdt-
   — cdt1334

March 2, 2006
I'm with everyone else...I honestly don't think I slept for the first two weeks, let alone in a comfortable position.
   — RebeccaP

March 2, 2006
Hi, I had the lap band. I was able to sleep on my tummy after 3 weeks. Everyone tolerates pain differently. You might be able to do it sooner.
   — monymony

March 2, 2006
I was a dedicated stomach sleeper, and it took me about a month. (LapBand.)
   — Jeanie

March 3, 2006
Oh my- no tummy sleeping for a while. You won't want to. It took me 4 weeks just to lay flat again. Best suggestion is sleep in a reclining chair for a while and then move back to a bed. You will be sore and things slosh around differently after WLS.
   — ppaige

March 3, 2006
Hi-it depends on if you're having open or lap RNY. I am only one week post-op lap RNY and I am sleeping on my tummy again, I just use a pillow for support. But everyone has different pain levels and goes into the surgery with different issues, I was driving at 4 days post-op. Take care fellow tummy sleeper!
   — Kayla

March 3, 2006
i used to sleep on my tummy before my surgery and it took me two to three weeks before i could sleep on my belly .
   — lizzie72

March 3, 2006
I'm 4 week out and the 3 week i was sleep on my stomach but i had rny lap.
   — ms.quan

March 3, 2006
I was a faithful tummy sleeper for years but, after lap rny it was atleast 2 weeks before I even slept in my bed for fear of moving. When I did graduate back to my bed I slept on my back, then eventually to my side and then all of a sudden I found myself sleeping on my tummy because there was nothing HOLDING me up anymore!! LOL That big ole tummy was gone and I couldn't help but fall over and end up on my tummy. I found tummy sleeping to be a weird feeling now (used to all that tummy before) so, I became a left side sleeper cradling a pillow between my legs so, I wouldn't roll over and now, I am a left sided sleeper without a pillow. Michelle
   — ncgal

March 3, 2006
They will be giving you great pain medication after surgery. You will be able to sleep sitting up - no problems! lol
   — MissKimberly

March 4, 2006
I am 6 weeks post-op and I also had the open RNY. I slept for about 4 weeks in a recliner. But I have a water bed, so I can now sleep on my side and tummy. I do use a pillow for support and I don't have any pain. Everyone is of wishes!
   — Diva4Him

March 4, 2006
Hi Vanessa... everybody is different but I am a stomach sleeper and I could sleep on my stomach at 3 weeks out and I had Open RNY. Good Luck to you!!!
   — SteffieBear15

March 4, 2006
My wife amazed me! From her first nite home she climbed into bed on all 4s and slept on her stomach the first nite home. it took me a few weeks... wife beat me on this one
   — bob-haller

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