Abdominal CT Scan Barium - Can I handle?

I'm having an abdominal CT scan this week to find out why I'm still getting pain after my GB removal. I have to drink barium preop, can anyone tell me if they had difficulty drinking it postop? I'm 18 months postop. Thanks! Cathy    — kittycathy64 (posted on March 21, 2006)

March 21, 2006
I had to have one of these 5 months post-op and the only trouble I had was drinking all the liquid required. They had to give me additional time to get down as much as possible, I was able to get down about 2/3 of it. Good Luck! Kim
   — kimmy

March 21, 2006
I had one done last week and was able to drink the 8 oz that they required I only drank it 2 drinks at a time over about 5 -10 mins. Nancy
   — nefish

March 22, 2006
I had one done 8 days post op. They came at me with two 16oz. bottles to drink of the barium and I laughed at them. After I nearly had to hit them upside the head (they couldn't grasp 1oz every 15 min) they relented and I only had to drink one of them. It took me awhile, but I did. One word of warning though, everytime I have had barium it induces diahhrea shortly after. I don't know about anyone else. Good luck and best wishes.-Heather
   — tazthewiz23

March 22, 2006
Youi can do it . . . drink it at the rate you can, and make sure the tech knows that you don't need to wait afterward . . . it drains immediately into gut. No stomach, always open pouch = no waiting.
   — rayehawk

March 24, 2006
I just imagine that the drink sorta taste like a Pina Colada. I liked it. Just drink it fast and not think of anything bad.Good luck,Lori Y.
   — lyoung2005

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