how long after surgery can you go back to work?

i don't have that much sick time at work and worried i'll be off work for a while. some ladies at work have been off work from a month to three months.    — bmi41 (posted on July 5, 2007)

July 4, 2007
Hi Anna! For me, the pain and discomfort from surgery was gone after 3 days. While I took a month off, I could have returned to work earlier. However, I was still adjusting to the food (shakes)....If you have a desk job, a week may be all you need. I never used the pain killers at all. I didn't need them, and I am generally a baby when it comes to pain. I simply felt as if I had done 200 sit-ups. It was more a feeling of tightness than actual pain. Good luck, and keep me posted. Fondly, Pam
   — pjwilsen

July 4, 2007
Hi - I was only off 3 days from work! When I returned to work, I went straight home and rested - but my job was a desk job, so that made it easier! Good luck!
   — PattyW57

July 4, 2007
I was off work for 6 weeks. My doctor recommend that patients are off work at least 2 weeks. Check with your doctor and depending on how you are feeling, you might want to return to work after a couple of weeks. Remember, this IS major surgery....don't do too much too soon. Good Luck !!!
   — AngelaC.

July 5, 2007
If you are in generally good health and the surgery goes smoothly, there is no reason you couldn't go back part time after a week and full time after 2 weeks...again as long as your job is sedentary. I felt great the day after I got home from the hospital. It is important to still walk as much as possible at work and pre pack all of your foods or bring ready to drink shakes with you.
   — Sheri A.

July 5, 2007
Good question! I was thinking the same thing. I'm a teacher and will be having surgery just a week before school starts. I know I'll take off the 2 days of workshop prior to school staring with the students but am not sure how I'll feel being up and around all day at school. My principal is aware of my surgery and is supportive so I'll just see how things go.
   — Julie H.

July 5, 2007
Hi! I work in EMS and lift patients every day. I was back to work two weeks after my surgery. I would think that unless you do a lot of heavy lifting or a lot of moving around you could easily go back after a week if you would want to.
   — angelemt

July 5, 2007
Everyone is different. I could of gone back to work after 4-5 days after surgery, but I took two full weeks from the day I got home. I am thankful for the time - it allowed me to get used to this new way of eating and the time I went back to work, I was eating soft foods. I sit at a desk all day so my job isn't very labor intense.
   — jammerz

July 5, 2007
I had lap gastric bypass. I was out of work for almost two weeks. I do office work. I was still score. I was more score sitting up than laying down, but I got along ok. I think it depends on what kind of work you do and how while you do after surgery. If I had to do it over again, I would take off three weeks. Good Luck!
   — barfiep01

July 5, 2007
When scheduling your surgery, don't forget to account for weekends and holidays. I scheduled my surgery for the week before a holiday, so I'd have an extra day to recover without having to take a sick day - I had lap band on the Thursday before Memorial Day. I went back to work the first week in June, so I got essentially 11 days away from work, but only took 6 sick days. Check with your employer to see if you have short term disability, which would kick in after your official sick time is up. Or some employers have a system where other employees can donate some of their unused days to you. Or you could ask your employer if you could work on a holiday before the surgery, and use that day as a floating day to recover (i.e. my employer gives us Columbus Day and Veterans Day off, which, in my opinion, are great days to work and bank extra time to take off at the end of the year). Of course, if you have the option, choosing Lap Band should require less recovery time than Bypass. And all this is assuming you don't have any complications. Best of luck! Beth
   — Beth F.

July 5, 2007
For the most part, your doctor should put you on Disability, which is traditionally different than what companies count as sick time. For example, I have only 5 sick days accumulated, but my doctor put me on disability (which is a insurance policy that many times pays your salary instead of your employer) Many employers will ask that you use your accumulated sick days before you tap into the disability policy. Regardless, of a disability insurance policy, there are state and federal laws regarding medical disability, which is why your doctor should fill out the paperwork for you. It would be best if you check w/ HR to see what their policy is regarding these two issues.
   — Harry King

July 6, 2007
it depends on the type of work you do. does it include long hrs of standing , lifting. my dr. put me out for 7 weeks. But you dont have to use your sick time or vacation time to cover. the state laws say that if your dr. puts you out of work for moore then 7 days or moore ,you qualify for the state temporarily disability. rember obesity is a desease now. its a health promblem not cosmetic.
   — yvettetas

July 6, 2007
I believe your profile says you live in California. They have a mandatory tempoary Disability program. If it's like other states, they have a few rules. Check with your HR department if you work for a large company, call the State Disabilty Department or ask the Doctor's office where you are getting the surgery. I took off for 6 weeks, mostly because I was old and needed more time to heal.
   — smparker2

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