can you take oral birth control /are they just as effective? after the sugery?

   — tle789456 (posted on January 14, 2008)

January 14, 2008
You need to discuss medications with our doctor, not this forum. You may be taking other medications that may not work well with the oral birth control. WARNING: from listening to women at support group meetings, many get pregnant very easily post op. Use some type of birth control, or you'll end up pregnant. Happens often.
   — Dave Chambers

January 14, 2008
I have had no problem taking Ortho Tri cyclen Lo since about my 3rd month. I am on no other medications after surgery (since about the 2nd week), and I was given the go ahead by my surgeon AND nutritionist. But as Dave said, you need to discuss this with YOUR surgeon! Good luck and God bless.
   — crystalsno

January 14, 2008
i am on Kariva birth control-was on it preop and continued right after surgery. hope this helps....Holly
   — RNlvnCARSON

January 15, 2008
My doctor told me for the first 1 1/2 to 2 years I need to do the patch or depo shot. He said my body might not absorb the oral birth control. Its best to talk with your doctor and see what they recommend.
   — barfiep01

January 15, 2008
Hi Tammy, I am using the nuvaring. With this ring you just insert it in to your vagina, leave for 3 weeks and take out to have your cycle. I like it really well. I have been using it for 9 months now. Ask your Doctor about it. God Bless and Good Luck, Vanessa
   — Vanessa Dates

January 19, 2008
My doc had me stop 2 weeks prior to surgery then wait 2 months before starting again. However, she said that doctors have no idea how well they are aborsobed into your systems. She said if I was taking it to regulate my cycle fine but I must use some other form of birth control to prevent preganacy. Women do tend to become furtle Myrtle after surgery. So err on the side of caution. PS she also said if you use a diapham you may have to change size every few months as you decrease in size.
   — changemyshape

January 22, 2008
My doctor took me off of my birth control with strict orders NEVER to take again! He said you have enough possible complications with the surgery, that you definetly don't need something that can cause blood clots. Good luck!
   — stormi25

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