Swallowing a Bubble?

Have any of you ever experienced the feeling of swallowing a bubble when you even swallowed just air? My abdomen is full of gas and my pouch feels like it gets full of air and is going to pop. Please help.    — Bootsee01 (posted on March 28, 2009)

March 28, 2009
Are you drinking through a straw? One thing I was told was to not drink through a straw and what do they give you at the hospital? A glass with a straw! Since you just had your surgery (congrats!)I would say just try to walk as much as possible. You probably still have some gas built up from that. It does get better, I promise!
   — Dawn A.

March 28, 2009
This may sound crazy, but when I get those, and even 5 years out I still get that feeling, I either take a Gas-X or (heres the part you may not believe) I lay on my stomach in a bathtub full of really warm water and the gas bubbles just MOVE. I guess the pressure from the water on the outer belly wall pushes them around and it comes right out. Stranger things have happened I guess but it really works for me and then I can roll over and enjoy a hot bath. Also, I have started keeping those infant gas drops with me when I am away from home. They work great.
   — CAMFR

March 29, 2009
It does sound like you are swallowing too much air... it takes practice to slow down eating and not swallow air as for the most part of our obese life, we didn't eat mindfully. We ate while driving, multi- tasking, talking, drinking carbonated beverages- etc. The gas we ingested didn't bother us too badly then with our large, bloated stomachs but now with our little pouches it really is uncomfortable isn't it? I recommend being more mindfull- paying close attention to eating tiny bites by cutting everything up on your plate before you start, chew until the consistency of applesauce before you swallow and avoid carbonated beverages or liquids of any kind while you eat. Go very slowly and things should get better. I have had good success with the Maalox multi-symptom liquid (has simethicone which breaks up bubbles) and the Gas-X strips. Hope you feel better. Also no chewing gum, you'd be surprised how much air you swallow and if you accidentally swallow the gum- can occlude your stoma and become and emergency. Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

March 31, 2009
I had all kinds of gas and air issues when I was newly pre-op. (I had the sleeve.) I belched all the time - it was crazy! Then one day I realized I wasn't doing that anymore! I hope it goes away for you too. Oh, and a straw made no difference for me. Good luck!
   — GlitterGal

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