Link to report technical problem with OH-(not getting the daily Q&A)

If you are having a technical problem with the OH website, there is a way to report it so it can be looked into/fixed. Over the past week many of us have stopped getting the Q&A forum delivered to our e-mail inboxes. I know I have missed it! If you are one who is experiencing this problem, click on the following link. This will take you to the OH home page. Scroll all the way down to the bottom, and on the right side look for the link to report a technical problem. It will take all of 2 minutes to report your problem to OH. Unless we report a problem, they may not even be aware of it. Hopefully it will be up and running smoothly very soon!    — thegoodlife (posted on April 7, 2009)

April 7, 2009
THANKS!!!! Enough people must have found a way to reach someone at OH...(I couldn't figure it out) BUT I woke up and found it running again. So I thank you! I almost fainted when I saw all my mail back! YAY!!!
   — .Anita R.

April 8, 2009
I spoke too soon...It's dead again! LOL
   — .Anita R.

April 8, 2009
Thanks for the info Becky. I swear I never noticed that there before. I have let them know the problem so I guess we wait. It almost seems silly to be sad about not getting the posts, but I really enjoyed them every morning. Thanks again.
   — CheekyMonkey

April 8, 2009
A quick update: OH has temporarily disabled the Q&A emails while they are looking into the problem. Until it is fixed you will have to sign in to OH manually and access the Q&A forum from there. Sorry Anita! ;)
   — thegoodlife

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