
   — mrslash (posted on August 21, 2009)

August 21, 2009
It all depends on YOU and your surgeon. I chose the RNY for two major reasons - 1) You lose more weight and you lose it faster. 2) Most people face some nasty consequences for eating the wrong things or too much at one time - I felt I needed the fear of suffering something really unpleasant to keep me in line. I know there have been very successful LapBanders on this forum, and I congratulate them. But I also personally know several people who've had the LapBand, and who have found ways to "eat around it" and gained back most if not all of their weight. I also hear of more problems with the LapBand, like slippage, insufficient fills, to tight a fill, and lots of people on this forum have had their LapBands removed and had a revision to RNY done. I'd advise you to research the two procedures (there is a LapBand forum here on Obesity Help where you can ask questions of people who've had the LapBand)... and then ask your surgeon what he/she thinks would be best for you. Good luck!
   — Erica Alikchihoo

August 21, 2009
Hi Patti, I totaly agree with the first answer!!! Everything that was sd is correct. You and your DR have to do what is best for your weightloss and that you can follow thru with. I had my choice...and choose RNY..for many of the reason the other sd. ALSO..I was concerned with the charge that would have to be paid each time there is a fill..if I lost my ins. or it changed I didnt know how I would pay for it. I would stress checking ALL your options and going with what is best for YOU. Wish you all the best!
   — tootsie52

August 21, 2009
I need something permanent that lasts a life time...And not having to get a fill every couple of months or so...Good luck
   — okbuffy

August 21, 2009
As the previous posters say, it is a personal decision that you need to reach with you and your surgeon, but please look at ALL the options. There are other surgeries available. I had the Laproscopic Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy performed over a year ago and I am extremely pleased with my decision, please with my weight loss, and pleased with my lifestyle with a VSG. There are others who have had the DS, too. Let's not forget them! :) Read, research, and then read more! Make an educated decision is the best advise I can offer anyone looking into weight loss surgery. Best to you always!
   — Makena

August 21, 2009
That is something you will have to talk with your doctor about. It also a personal choice and I recommend you do as much research as you can on all types of WLS to see which one will best fit you & your lifestyle. I wish you luck!
   — Krisican2

August 21, 2009
Have you considered the sleeve? I had my head set on the band and after meeting with my Dr. I have decided on the sleeve. Lot's of people who have had the band are not losing the weight quick enough as they have expected. And get frustrated and resume old habits and bad behaviors. Good luck to you on whatever you decide
   — Supersize

August 22, 2009
It depends on you & your situation. I chose lapband because I am a bulk eater. I now get that same feeling of satifaction with much less food, and have my band to help the rest of my life. I have lost 118 lbs. If I had been more of a big carb, sweet eater I probably would have chosen a by-pass for the dumping. Talk it over with your surgeon.
   — Donna O.

August 22, 2009
It is all up to the person. I had lapband and like the person in the first post said.....they have heard of people failing or gaining weight back with lapband. Well personally I have heard tell of more bypass patience gaining back their weight 3-5 years out. I have had no personal knowledge of anyone who has gained back from lapband. Personally I do not know how you could. I have had my band 3 yrs. Lost all my weight in the first 8 months and have had no problems in maintaining my weight at all. I am very pleased with my outcome and would do it all over again. It is your choice to do what is best for you. Yes I can eat sweets if I want. I can only eat them in small amounts. I also have a very close friend who had bypass 6 months before me. She has never come close to her goal weight. She had less than a 100 pds she needed to loose and has gained some back and she has no problems eating sweets now. In the beginning she had the dumping but now she does not. So it is all up to the person as far as what you think is best for you. I wish you all the best in whatever you decide on.
   — Babbles

August 22, 2009
I agree with a little of everyone said on this site. I decided to go with the band and my surgery date is Sept. 2nd. I chose the band because you have more control of your weight status. If you start to gain weight or you are starting to eat more you can get a fill and that will help you to control your eating. My sis also had WLS she said if she knew about the band baack in 2002 she would of got that instead. She gain 30lbs back since her procedure. Also with the band you are on a pre liquid diet 14 days before your procedure so you will loose weight before you go in. I'm on my 4th full day of my liquid diet and i'm down 7 lbs. Do your research and the surgery for you will come in your heart. Good Luck.
   — sjh921

August 23, 2009
I was going to get the band at first too. Then after meeting with my doctor and being made aware of all the issues and complications of all the surgeries I decided to have the verticle sleeve. I'm so glad I did it has the least amount of complications and I have lost 75 lbs in 5 months. As all weight loss goes exercise and a healthy diet are key factors. But eating a very decreased amount is very benificial. Also with the VSG they remove the part of the stomach that has the hunger hormones so real hunger is not really an issue anymore. I hope you have great success and choose the right surgery for you.
   — Lisa von Wallmenich

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