Anyone LATELY been told to stop HRT before surgery?

   — Happiness (posted on February 28, 2006)

February 28, 2006
I will be interested in following the responses to your question because I am having PS on May 13th and am on HRT also, PremPro. I am going to take a wild guess here and say that yes you (and myself) are going to have to stop. I think that I read that somewhere in the past about HRT meds/supplements need to be stopped before any surgery but cannot remember the reason why.
   — ChristineB

February 28, 2006
I had my last consult yesterday before my 3/13 surgery and dr. told me stop HRT meds (PremPro) because of blood clots.
   — LucyinNY

March 1, 2006
Hi! I just had surgery on 02-06-06. My surgeon requires that you stop all estrogen, birth control, herbal supplements and anti-inflammatory month prior to surgery. When you have surgery (of any kind) a surgeon has to make sure that you have enough clotting factors so that you don't bleed t...BUT they also have to make sure that you don't get blood clots. It is my understanding that the above drugs etc....contribute to blood thinning, which, in turn, would contribute to bleeding out during surgery. I had surgery on a Monday. They ran labs to make sure that I would be able to clot during surgery (I have had bleeding tendencies). The results showed that I was borderline. The did bloodwork again the morning of surgery. Had my levels not improved, my surgery would have been postposed. I hope that helps.
   — Thin2WinNOklahoma

March 1, 2006
Hi, I had my surgery June 1, 2005 and i was told to stop my HRT 30 days before my surgery.
   — nowahottie

March 1, 2006
I was never told this. I just moved my patch to an area that would not get in the way of my tt (my butt) I would have gone insane with out my patch.
   — Kim T.

March 3, 2006
I had to stop HRT a few weeks prior to surgery, but went back on it when I left the hospital. I am ayear out.
   — Novashannon

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