
   — MSERVIN (posted on May 23, 2007)

May 23, 2007
That depends on how big your pouch was to start and how you were trained to eat. Our pouches start at 15 cc (1/2 oz), so we are on 1-2 oz per meal (4-6 meals) until we reach goal wt. Others are traind to stretch their pouches early and can often eat 2 cups of food per meal by 5 months out.
   — vitalady

May 23, 2007
I am almost 6 months out. How much I can eat depends on the food. Hard protein (chicken, fish, ground lean meat) I can only eat a few ounces REALLY slow. Veggies I can eat more of. Unfortunatley, most carbs go down all to well (crackers, chips and such). I avoid them as much as possible. If you stick to your hard protein first, there is less room for the bad stuff and you stay full longer. I also can eat cheese for my protein, and I can eat 3oz, no problem. Hope this helps. Good luck to you. Robin 270 highest weight, 246 day of surgery, 183 NOW!!! Less than 40lbs to goal!
   — robinmarra

May 24, 2007
Hi Marissa, thanks for writing. You ask a real general question. The basic answer is that everyone is different, and you don't say how much you are eating. Obesity is a head issue with a body consequence Marissa, and you might think you can eat more, or that you are hungry, but it is very possible that this is not the case. You could be eating next to nothing and need more? I am not sure what to say to you except everyone is different, and eat protein first, drink plenty of water, and then eat veggies or other things that will supplement your nutirtional needs. Wls is about change. Change for life in food habits, change in how and when we eat, finding what works for us as individuals, but puts a stop to the awful habits that kept us obese. Don't go by hunger pains, most of them are probably in your head not your stomach, but if you are not eating atleast 50gm of protein a day, you are probably eating too little. We are used to basing what we eat on calories, you need to concentrate on the nutritional aspect of eating, grams of protein, iron, etc. Hope this helps. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

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