One month post-op, still on liquid and throwing up a lot, but it's not a stricture!??

I'm having a very difficult time keeping anything down. It's been a month with very little change. The chance of a stricute has been ruled out. I'm even having a difficult time keeping water and full liquids down. I'm eating and drinking slowly but nothing seems to help... am i the only one??    — kels78 (posted on January 22, 2008)

January 21, 2008
You need to eat and drink slowly. You may have some other medical problems your doctor need sot pursue. Try crystal lite, instead of water, or try iced tea. Some people have difficulty with plain water (especially chilled) for a long time past surgery. Most people do not have this problem. This is what I hear from 19 months of support group meetings.
   — Dave Chambers

January 21, 2008
Ask your doc to perscribe something for ulcers. My doc gave me a perscription for a liquid that I had to shack up each time. I took a tablespoon 1 hour before meals and they stayed down. I beleive it was a problem with the scar tissue that needed a coating for me to keep food down. I did not have problem with water, also I found caned chopped peaches went down a stayed when nothing else would.
   — William (Bill) wmil

January 22, 2008
Hi K, I went through the same thing. Every single thing I put in my body made me sick - water, protein drinks, soft food, it didn't matter. After months of being scared and miserable, and only getting advice like "It happens to some people who have WLS - it may last up to a year. Just give it time" from my PCP and nutritionist, I sobbed out my story to a health store employee while I was buying yet another brand of protein powder to try, and she suggested I start taking digestive enzymes (her mom had had the surgery and used the enzymes after). Because I was so desperate (I was SO TIRED) I bought them on the spot and tried them as soon as I got home. Those are the only things that got me through the next 6 months. I did, of course, come to my senses and do my own research on digestive enzymes, as well as confirming with my PCP and nutritionist that they were OK to take. I only took them when I ate or drank something, and I was eventually able to stop using them. I can't say for sure that they'll help you, but they literally saved my life. I was barely getting in 200 calories a day and could barely move I was so tired. Make sure you talk to your doc or nutritionist before you try any of this though - I'd hate to be responsible for causing someone harm or getting them sick! Best of luck - I DO know how miserable you are! Contact me anytime with questions, too - Best regards, Amy Trickel [email protected] you try this!),
   — AmyTrix

January 22, 2008
Well, I know it may sound crazy; however, let's try a metaphysical approach. Talk to your stomach, explain to your stomach what you decided to have done and that you understand that it is going through changes as well. Tell your stomach you didn't make the decision to hurt it; however, to keep it and you healthy. I talked to my stomach weeks before I had surgery and I think it helped. It didn't hurt anything.
   — the7thdean

January 22, 2008
Hi K, thanks for writing. I am a little concerned about you not being able to keep fluids down. I assume they did a scope on you and decided it was not a stricture, but they just can't leave you hanging like that with no answer. You need to go back to your surgeon and make them figure this out. You cannot keep throwing up fluids, it is bad for your digestive system and bad in general. It is a medical issue, and they need to figure it out. If he will not, seek a 2nd opinion with another wls surgeon. Also, burping, I think that is part of the problem. I have NOT heard of a lot of wls patients having burping after surgery. As a matter of fact, most wls patients don't burp at all for many months. You need to see your surgeon and see what is going on. Also, please update us when you get an answer. This is a new one for me, and I am 4 years out. Thanks Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

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