How do I maintain weight loss after surgery?

March 15, 2008 marked my one year anniversary since the surgery. I have lost 155 lbs, and I started at 305 lbs. How do I maintain weight loss?    — teresawalton77 (posted on March 22, 2008)

March 22, 2008
The same way you lost the weight, by staying on your mealplan, exercising and watching your weight. If you lost all that weight, you know what you're doing. It seems like the people who have "relapsed" for want of a better word, are the ones who stop doing what they did to get where they got to. They lose their way, so don't lose yours! Congratulations on your success!
   — Shirley D.

March 22, 2008
Keep on doin what you been doin. You may loose a little more weight in the process too, as wieght loss tends to level off between now and a few months. But exercise, portion control, drinking enough water, and maintaining your vitamins and calcium intake are all part of the formula for weight loss. The surgery is just a tool, you have to use it correctly.
   — Dave Chambers

March 23, 2008
Teresa, the same way you would any other weight loss, with diet and exercise. The choices, as adults are ours, and so are the consequences. The body works the same, the tool is ours to use. Take care. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

March 23, 2008
well it will be a year for me on may 16 but i find what keeps me in line is keeping a food and activity log and be truthful and faithful and do it every is very good....congrats on your weight loss! lizzie
   — lizzie42

March 26, 2008
Have to agree...I was told the 3 most important ways to keep weight off is: keep a food diary, exercise, stay in a group to keep you motivated.. Congrats on your wt. loss. What an achievment... There are also books to keep you motivated..for instance "Life after Bypass Surgery" there are alot of others that are very good. Best of Luck
   — niecie54

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