I know this is prob. the worst time for me to do this butt.....

it's the day before my surgery, and I cheated on my liquid diet. I've been on it for 10 days, and today for some reason, i just had to have an egg and a slice of bread. PLEASEEEEE tell me surgery won't be cancelled. Was the liquid diet just for losing weight purposes or so your stomach is completely empty??    — nubiangodess624 (posted on July 23, 2008)

July 23, 2008
The diet is to shrink your liver before surgery. You also need to have an empty tummy because of the medication they use to put you under. You can actually aspirate the food in your stomache and possible die during surgery. YOU NEED TO TELL YOUR SURGEON THE TRUTH and DO NOT EAT ANYMORE! They give you these guidelines for a reason my friend. Good your Surgeon...
   — Kathleen L.

July 23, 2008
You really need to call the surgeon and be frank with him. Put on those big girl panties and be totally honest. There are reasons you are not supposed to eat the day before surgery and it is not just to shrink the liver. What is going to happen after surgery if you think you are hungry?
   — Gena L.

July 23, 2008
You really need to call the surgeon and be frank with him. Put on those big girl panties and be totally honest. There are reasons you are not supposed to eat the day before surgery and it is not just to shrink the liver. What is going to happen after surgery if you think you are hungry?
   — Gena L.

July 23, 2008
YOU NEED TO TELL YOUR DOCTOR RIGHT AWAY. IF YOUR SURGERY IS CANCELLED, IT'S BETTER THAN GETTING ASPIRATION PNEUMONIA DURING WAKEUP FROM SURGERY. You know, there's lots of things that are going to be different postop and one of them is you have to develop ways to get around these urges. Maybe this is a good time for you to stop and think about what you really want. I know this is harsh, but this is serious business. "I just had to have it" isn't going to help you be successful postop. Maybe you're not ready for this, and this was your way out. Time for some soul searching, hon.
   — Shirley D.

July 23, 2008
I have to pretty much agree with everyone else on here. You are put on a liquid diet for a reason and to cheat the day before surgery is very dangerous. You have to tell your surgeon and then like Shirley said, do some serious soul seraching. Do you really want to change the way you eat. this is only a tool not a guarantee that you will lose weight. Success after surgery depends on success before surgery.
   — sunsetyellow

July 23, 2008
There are several reasons you are put on a clear liquid diet pre-operatively: to prepare your body for the post op liquid diet, to shrink your liver so that you have the best chance of having your surgery done laparoscopically, to learn how to survive on very few calories so you don't go from thousands of calories one day straight to very limited calories the next, to have your stomach empty during surgery so that you don't aspirate food/fluids into your lungs and get a post op pneumonia, AND to see if you have the fortitude to stick it out and follow doctor's orders. It will probably be ok, but, I would tell them now. I do know many people who have cheated and had their "last supper" the night before surgery, didn't tell anyone and had to have open surgery instead. Trust me, once they open you up, I think they know if you have been compliant or not. I did not cheat on my pre-op diet telling myself I had had a lifetime of over indulgent last meals, I didn't need one more and I certainly didn't want to jeapordize what I considered to be my last chance for a normal life. Please make the committment here and now to do the right thing and follow doctor's orders. If you don't, you have very little chance at long term success. I wish you the best of luck and hope you do very well. Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

July 23, 2008
You will be ok. Just remain on liquids the rest of the day. The diet was to shrink your liver.
   — Lalaredd

July 23, 2008
I really do thank you all for such "kind" remarks. Since you guys seem to believe you're experts, let me tell you what my surgeon just told me. He made it very clear that I don't eat or drink anything past midnight tonight. [like some of you explained]. In terms of what I ate, he said it was OK and that it would've been different if I went all out and ate like I was at a buffet or something. Since I'm not having surgery until 4 tomorrow, there's a little more of a grace period for the food to totally digest. There it is....take it how you guys want to because I sure did! And for those posting about how I need to learn better and have more control over my urges...let's NOT get ahead of yourselves. We're all here because we've had TONS of slip ups diet wise [hense the reason why we're having/had WLS]. I know there are some harsh realities about this surgery, and I am more than ready to take my chance at this. So there's no soul searching that needs to be done. Don't be quick to judge. The "big girl panties" were put on once I decided to have this procedure. Thanks again people.
   — nubiangodess624

July 23, 2008
every doctor is different. my doc didn't make us do the liquids until the day before. some docs say 2 weeks before.
   — jan0859

July 23, 2008
Please please talk to your surgeon before surgery. I did the same thing the morning before my surgery, thinking I was to stop eating that night and my surgery was cancelled. Your stomach will have a small opening and if it is closed before the food goes through, you will be in serious trouble.
   — PAWLLA L.

July 23, 2008
Usually the don't want you to eat after midnight on the day of your surgery. The diet is to help shrink you liver and make surgery easier. You should be ok.
   — Micho

July 23, 2008
My surgeon, who is absolutely awesome, told us to go out have a good we were all around 40 BMI...but in any event he wished us well!!!! He certainly didn't cancel the surgery. I don't think yours will either!!!!
   — Fredricka MacLean

July 23, 2008
Our would have canceled. he would be worried that some "left over food" may get caught into the staples line, or cause allergic reaction. And your bowels are going to be cut and rerouted. So any food in them may casue (later on) inside infections. But then our doc has very little complications after surgery... so ... If i were you I would call them and be honest, and if you need to reschedule... then it may be better for you.
   — H.A.L.A B.

July 23, 2008
Just my two cents but ,you wrote asking what everyone thought .Don't be mad because they didn't tell you what you wanted to hear.
   — sunnie

July 23, 2008
You will be fine. Some doctor's use the liquid diet to shrink your liver before surgery to make it easier to move around. I was never on a liquid diet at any time and ate a steak supper the night before my surgery. I had an open RNY on June 7, 2007 and have lost 124 lbs to date. Just make sure you don't eat or drink after midnight.
   — Martina B.

July 23, 2008
I think it is for both purposes. I wouldn't worry too much. Your pre surgery cleansing should take care of any egg remenents! Try not to do it again.
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 23, 2008
I would think that since you were on the diet for 10 days that your liver has gotten somewhat smaller, enough for surgery. But your stomach should be TOTALLY empty before surgery. I think since it wasn't much (although some) you should be okay. Best Wishes. Kristy
   — Kristy

July 23, 2008
Thanks again to everyone that posted an answer to my question. Surgery is 3pm tomorrow and I'm so excited. Very happy with my progress so far [i've lost almost 20lbs since June 11th] and can't wait to be on the other side!! Bon Soir!!!
   — nubiangodess624

July 23, 2008
OMIGOSH! LMAO! I had my last (early) supper at a 5 star restaurant the day before surgery...I had grilled chicken with goat cheese and pasta and a salad and big ole hunk of chesecake...Then I fasted for 20 hours...I never did a liquid diet...and I ate soft food the next day after surgery in the hospital...It's been 4 1/2 years and I did not stretch my pouch or gain a ton of weight back because I didn't do liquids for 1 month beofer and after surgery.....I had no complications from food or diet or weight...My only problem is mal-absorption...It's real! And now I have to take extra vitamins...Otherwise OMIGOSH...relax...Good luck on your surgery and I wish you much success and health and happiness! Tomorrow, you will be on the losing side.... Hugs
   — .Anita R.

July 23, 2008
I had no liquid diet before, neither after surgery. Had normal lunch the day before and a soup for dinner. Good luck for your surgery and welcome on the "lossing side" - it is worth ist. Greetings rina_mo from Austria (7 months post-OP, 108lbs lost)
   — rina_mo

July 23, 2008
I'm sure he put you on the liquid diet for a reason. But....if it makes you feel better, i ate a normal diet until midnight the night before surgery. I had no problems. If your feeling that guilty about, just fess up. Good luck with your surgery:)
   — Maria G.

July 23, 2008
You still have 24 hours before surgery right? It should not be cancelled, but you need to be honest with your surgeon. Don't let them find food in your intestine without knowing it. After cutting you open is not the time to find out you have been deceptive. You have good chances of NOT having surgery cancelled. Focus your conversation with your surgeon on your faithfulness to 10 days of liquids, not your mistake. Defend your position, but be honest and humble. It should work out. Take care. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

July 24, 2008
I have never heard of anyone going on a liquid diet before surgery? I ate right up until the night of my surgery 7/18/2005 with my RNY and never had no problems, infact I made it a point to eat something big the day before, b/c it was my last big hurrah! LOL. I have heard of others having to do this, but I never had to. I was to lose weight, but no liquid diet. I even smoked on my day of surgery. I was fine, came through like a trooper as always. I have never had any problems. I am 3 yrs out. Seriously, I am not saying go against your doctor, but they told me I had to go on a liquid diet, I would not have made it. I weighed 309 before and I am 5'3 and was 41 yrs of age with alot health risks going in. It was a do or die situation for me. Everything going out of whack. Seriously, have faith in God and you will be alright. That was my secret and my healing and thank god I had this surgery done!
   — trishhooper

July 25, 2008
I just want to say you are only human and half the people on here seem to think they are God. You had an egg and a piece of toast... if only we all slipped up with just an egg and toast. People need to learn how to critize nicely. Good Luck with your surgery... mine is 8/8/08! You will be fine and if you'd like helpful criticisim i'd love to keep in touch! Best wishes... You can do it!
   — munchiesmama

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